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"Oops, sorry!" she said sarcastically and pretended to be surprised when she saw me.

I put the tray on the table and wiped the part of my clothes that got food spilled on it with the tissue I found on the table.

I ignored her and turned around to get more food.

I paused when someone suddenly grabbed my hair.

I turned around to face her, my eyes narrowing.

Despite the pain of her grip on my hair, I still managed to break free and swiftly slapped her on the face.

In response, she let out a mocking laugh, a sound that carried a hint of superiority. The students watched the scene, but no one wanted to stop her from her actions, and it seemed like they genuinely wanted to witness our fight.

Without warning, she slapped me forcefully across the face, causing me to lose balance and stumble backward. I crashed onto a table covered with half-eaten food, scattering it everywhere. My uniform became smeared and stained as a result.

The sound of her slap echoed through the canteen, grabbing the attention of the surrounding students. Instantly, laughter erupted from them. Their laughter felt like a chorus of mockery, intensifying my embarrassment.

Feeling the weight of their judgment and the humiliation, I mustered the strength to get up from the table. However, something caught my eye.

I looked directly into her eyes, which had transformed into an otherworldly hue. They no longer held the warmth and humanity I once knew, replaced by an eerie intensity that sent shivers down my spine. The air around her seemed to thicken with an unsettling energy, as if something malevolent had taken hold of her.

Fear surged through me as I realized the situation. What had started as a simple confrontation had escalated into an encounter with something beyond human comprehension. The atmosphere grew heavy.

I prepared myself for what might come next. The other students watched in shocked silence as the familiar school setting transformed into a battleground.

Amidst the tense silence, dark energy surged from her transformed figure. It crackled in the air, distorting the surroundings and casting an eerie glow across the room.

With each step, the demonic entity closed in, moving with unnatural speed and precision. The once-familiar face twisted with a malevolence that defied natural laws. Shadows danced on the walls.

Just as she was about to attack me, someone stepped in to intervene and stop her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Suddenly, a girl shouted, and I turned to see Franchezka, who was now looking at me.

"Me?" I asked, realizing that she was addressing me.

"THE BOTH OF YOU!" Primo, causing me to flinch at his loud voice.

"Primo, this troublemaker slap me first!" she claimed, attempting to play the victim.

They both turned their attention to me, and I met Primo's gaze. I could sense a deep anger and something different in his aura.

"Is it real?" Franchezka raised an eyebrow.

"You and you, go to my fucking office!" Primo commanded.

The students watched the scene unfold, and as Primo and Chezka left, they began to disperse. I reluctantly followed, feeling self-conscious about my appearance. I looked terrible

Suddenly, someone bumped into me, but luckily, I managed to maintain my balance and didn't fall.

"This is your fault, bitch!" she shouted.

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