~1~ "Popularity"♡

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Michael POV:
I woke up on my bed facing the ceiling. I looked out my window and saw that it was still pretty dark outside. I groaned and looked at my alarm clock. 5:32AM.

I forced myself out of bed and walked to my closet. I rubbed my eyes and turned on the light switch. My room lit up and I saw all the clothes that were in my closet.

I picked a random crop top and some skinny jeans with fishnets. I put on my white vans and went to brush my hair. As I opened the door, I saw C.C. walking in the hallway.

He must've heard my door because he turned around to look at me. "Hey buddy, what are you doing awake right now?" I asked. "I don't know, I just woke up."

He went up to hug me and I crouched down to hug him back. "I gotta get ready for school now C.C., i'll see you later okay? Do you want me to serve you breakfast?" "Yes please."

"Alright, go wait downstairs and i'll be there in a moment." "Okay!" We whispered to each other since it was still 5 in the morning and everyone was asleep.

He walked down the stairs quietly and I went in the bathroom. I grabbed the brush and started brushing my long brown fluff hair. I decided to do some curls because why not.

It was just a little bit too, not that much. So I took the curling wand from my mothers drawer and plugged it in.

It usually took 2-3 minutes for it to be completely hot, so I just took my phone out and scrolled through it. After about 3 minutes, I put my phone down and did my hair.

I finally finished and put my hair in a pony tail. I was finally done with my outfit so I unplugged the curler and turned off the lights of the bathroom, going downstairs.

I checked my watch. 5:39AM. I still have time. I saw C.C. waiting on the table, playing with his plushie. I turned on the lights of the kitchen and grabbed a bowl. "Do you want cereal?" I asked him.

He turned around and smiled. "Yes please." "Alright." I smiled and grabbed the cereal and milk, putting it in.

"Okay C.C. I have to get going now. I'll see you when I get back alright?" He nodded and spooned a spoonful of cereal, putting it in his mouth. "Bye Mikey!" He whisper yelled.

"Have a good day at school!" He smiled, a little bit of milk coming out of his mouth. I giggled slightly and replied "Thank you C.C." I grabbed my backpack and put on my shoes, walking out the door.

I decided to just walk to school, it was relaxing and I would probably arrive at the same time as other kids. If I took the bus I would have to wait a long time. So I walked. I took my phone out and just scrolled through it until I got to school.

At school...

Finally, I made it. I went inside and saw a lot of kids already there, including my friends. They saw me and waved, telling me to go over to them. I waved back and nodded, going towards them.

"Hey Mike!" Simon smiled. "Hey guys." They all looked behind me and frowned. I was about to turn around when suddenly I got pushed. "Ah, sorry! I was-"

I stopped mid way my sentence when I was the person who had bumped into me, on purpose. "You were what, Afton?" Noah laughed.

"What do you want Carter." I gave him a pissed look, crossing my arms. "What, I didn't mean to push you on purpose! I would never do that." He sarcastically laughed.

"Cut the crap before I punch you in the face." At this point, many students stopped their conversations to look at us. He gave me an annoyed look and I was just fed up with his shit.

I scoffed and hit him in the stomach since he was off guard. A couple of students made audience noises like "Ooh.." Which made me laugh a little. "Believe me now?" I smiled sarcastically.

I heard my friends chuckle behind me. "You bitch.. you're going to pay for that." He mumbled as he held his stomach. "Mhm. Sure."

I rolled my eyes and walked away with my friends. That was the relationship between me and the other Mr. Popular guy.

Most people called me Ms. Popular for some reason, they said it's because I look more like a girl. But whatever, I don't really care.

Noah POV:
God dammit. I hate Michael so much. Ever since we were in middle school, we hated each other.

It was a bit weird because we were childhood friends when we were younger, but we pretend that we never were.

It's probably better that way too. I walked toward my class which was math. I might've hated Michael, but I hated math way more.

I couldn't wait to get out of this class. That way I could finally go to lunch and see my friends. Maybe even make fun of Michael, who knows.

Very large time skip to drama- at lunch basically<3

Michael POV:
I stepped a foot on Noah as he layed on the ground. We broke into a fight for no reason, he just came up to me and we started fighting.

"Boys! What is the meaning of this?!" I heard one of the teachers yell but I didn't care. We continued fighting until one of them came to break us up.

"Principals office. Now." She said. I rolled my eyes and just left. My shoes had very small heels on them, but they made a sound every time I took a step.

I heard shoes running towards me and I turned around just in time to see Noah push me into the bathrooms and pin me against the wall.

I blushed a little bit but quickly hid it. "W-what do you think you're doing?!" I yelled. "You think you can beat me in a fight, Afton? Huh?" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." "Or what?" "Hm, you have no idea what i'm capable of, do you?" His other hand slid up my face and cupped my cheeks.

I'm pretty sure my face was completely red. "L-leave me alone you weirdo!" I pushed him with my feet and he fell backwards laughing.

I ran out of the bathroom and straight to the principal's office. "What the hell was that?!" I thought. I finally made it and opened the door, revealing the principal.

"Sit down." She said. I sighed and sat down in one of the chairs in front of her desk. "Where is the other one." She asked. "I think he's on his way m-"

Just then the door opened and we both turned to see Noah. "Sit down, now Noah." He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me. "You two need to some rivaling. It's getting out of control now."

"He was the one who started it though!" I yelled. "Michael. It doesn't matter who started it. You still continued it." "It was self defense." I mumbled.

"You will both get detention tomorrow because your parents are coming to pick you up." She addressed us to go sit down somewhere else.

He smirked at me and I stuck my tongue out on him. After a few minutes, a student came back with our backpacks and left. Soon after, my father came to pick me up. "Michael."

He narrowed his eyes on me and I stood up. "I am sorry for his trouble, miss." He spoke to the principal.

"No problem sir. Don't get in any more fights Mike." She said as she continued to type on her computer. I gave Noah one last glare before we left.

It was silence between us at first until my father spoke. "Good job for defending yourself. That boy won't be like that for a long time, he'll change." I looked up at him. "Mhm, I bet."

1364 words! Wow, chapter one and already a fight. Wonder what's going to happen next? See you all there<3

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