~4~ "Phone calls and number"♡

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Noah POV:
I sat on my bed as I scrolled through my phone, just looking at stuff. I sighed and was about to head downstairs to find something to do, when suddenly I got a call.

I didn't recognize the number, as it wasn't saved in my contacts. But I always pick up numbers, even if I don't know them. You just never know. So I picked it up and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered. "Um... hi Noah." I heard someone's voice that was familiar, but I couldn't quite recognize it. "Who is this?" I asked. "Uh, Simon. Michaels friend."

I frowned and was about to hang up but something made me pause. I sighed and put the phone to my ear again. "What do you want." I tried to ask quickly so we could just finish the call quicker.

"So, me and Mikes other friends were wondering if you guys would like to.. I don't know, talk things out?" I thought for a few seconds before speaking again. "No."

"But c'mon!! This could be like the one chance you get to talk with him! Don't you wanna get the friendship that you guys had before again?" "I could care less about that shit."

"Please Noah!!" I muttered at how annoying their voices were. "Will you all leave me alone if I agree?" I asked. "Yes!" "Then fine!! Give me his phone number and tell me where we will meet."

"Okay his number is ##########. And you guys can meet in the cafe down the street!" "Isn't that for lovers?" I asked, curious.

"Well uh- yeah but that's the only place we can think of that's peaceful and where you two can talk." I sighed. "Fine whatever, when are we meeting?"

"Is tomorrow okay?" I looked at my calendar hoping to see something, like an important date I had forgotten about, but nothing.

"Yeah, i'm free." "Okay then, tomorrow and 2:00pm then!" "Sure." "Alright, hope y'all solve your problems. Cya." "Bye." I hung up within seconds and just flopped down on my bed.

Why was I even doing this? I turned to my side and just thought about it. I mean, maybe we could gain the friendship we had before again... Wait what the hell am I talking about?

We are enemies. It's probably not going to work anyway. This is a horrible idea, but who knows. Maybe we will both benefit out of this, even if it's a little bit. Hopefully.

Hi hi!! 450 words! <3 I'm just going to say that I will try to post a new chapter every day for you all! What are you alls thoughts of what will happen on their talk? Hm.... 🤔

~Rival Enemies~ Michael x NoahWhere stories live. Discover now