~6~ "The talk"♡

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Michael POV:
I walked toward the cafe that I saw in my sight. I honestly could not believe I was actually doing this. I sighed as I finally reached the cafe.

I stood in front of it and looked in the window, hoping to not see Noah so I could just run off and pretend that this whole thing was a prank done by my friends.

Nope. In the window, I saw Noah sitting in one of the booths just scrolling through his phone. I hid in the wall and just took some breaths.

"I guess I have to do this now." I held my wrist and pushed the door open. A little bell rung and some workers smiled at me. I slightly smiled back.

Noah looked up and put his phone away, sitting up straighter. I took another breath and walked toward the seat without saying anything.

When I got to the booth, we both stared into each other. "Hi.." I muttered. I regretted coming here now. "Hey." "Can I sit down?" He nodded and I sat down in the booth apart from him.

A waiter came and we both looked up at him. "Good afternoon, what can I serve you both today?" He asked while holding a notepad and twisting the pages.

"I'll just take a coffee. Michael?" He asked while looking at me. "Oh uh, i'll take a small coffee." "Alright, i'll get that out in a second for you guys." "Thank you."

The waiter went off to the kitchen and I looked back at Noah. "So.. how have you been?" That was so stupid and awkward. "Alright. And you?" "Fine."

It was an awful silence until I took a breath. "Can you... tell me why you stopped being friends with me?" He looked up at me again and then to the side.

It was probably my imagination but I swear that I saw a look of regret and shame in his eyes.

"I was told by other kids that if I stopped being friends with you, I would become so popular and cool. And as a little kid.. I was just vulnerable." I stared at him in disbelief.

"Wait wait wait. So you stopped our friendship just so you could be considered 'cool'?" "I know it was stupid. So i'm sorry about that. But I just wanted it to happen."

I turned away from him and looked at the floor. "I don't know why you quit our friendship just for your other friends." I muttered.

He must've heard me because he also had a very small look of regret in his eyes. The waiter brought our coffees and smiled.

"Is there anything else I can get you two?" He asked. "Can I get two chocolate chip cookies to go please?" I asked. He nodded. "Certainly, coming right up."

He went off to the kitchen again and I turned at Noah again. "Why to go..?" "My siblings asked for it." "Oh." We had a small silence until he spoke again.

"Look, i'm sorry. I know I was in the wrong for ruining our friendship for some stupid popularity. But I just.. I don't know I kinda want that friendship again..." He muttered the last part, but I was still able to hear it.

I hummed and just then the waiter came back. "Here are your cookies sir, now are you two ready to get the check?" "Yes, just one." Noah said. I looked at him.

He waited nodded and went back to the kitchen. "Why one?" I asked. "I'll pay. But like I said.. I just want to have our old friendship back." I thought about it and settled on a decision.

"Maybe soon. But I don't forgive you and we still aren't friends." He nodded and a very small smile appeared on his face. I blushed slightly because of his smile. It was kinda cute..

I mean what? I still don't forgive him. I can't go falling for him already. Gross.

The waiter came back with a check and I waited for Noah to pay. "Alright, that's it! Enjoy the rest of your day." The waiter smiled. "You too." I smiled back and we both got up from our seats and left the cafe.

"Can I take you home?" What an awful weird request coming from Noah. I nodded slowly because I was still a bit shocked. We walked to my house in silence.

We finally reached it and I looked back at him. "Thank you for paying and taking me home Noah." He smiled and nodded. He put his hands in his pockets and walked back.

Probably to his house. To be honest this day wasn't all that bad. But I still don't forgive him. Maybe soon though... maybe.

794 words! Drama.. it's not over yet though. This book gonna take a dark then soon.. AND FOR MY SMUT LOVERS. Please be a bit patient! I will make it, it's just I feel like it doesn't fit now. But don't worry, I will make it soon enough. <3

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