~24~ "Figuring."

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Michael POV:
I walked out of the conversation me and Noah were having. I don't get why he didn't understand that I didn't want to talk to him after what he did to me.

But whatever. It was fourth period, so that's where I went. Sadly I didn't have it with any friends, and it was Language arts.

(If you're not from America and don't know what language arts is, it's basically reading and writing! Back to the chapter<3)

It was pretty boring, even though I was really good at it. I was always good at this, so I never really focused in class. I walked to the classroom, but on my way I saw Oliver talking to Stephanie, again.

I raised an eyebrow and walked slower to try and see if I could hear what they were talking about. "Then edit this part of the audio." I heard Stephanie say. "What do you want me to put?" I heard Oliver's voice.

What were they doing? Were they editing an audio? I listened closer. "Put, I wish I could fuck every boy in this school, even though none of them are hot." She laughed as she said the sentence.

What the hell? I walked off and got to the classroom, and sat in my seat. More students filled the room, though the only thing that was on my mind was Stephanie, Oliver and Noah. Noah's words repeated in my head.

"Stephanie and Oliver are planning to do something to your reputation." What if.. I shook off the thought. There's no way Oliver would turn on me, I just met him. Noah was probably just lying to me again.

But what if Oliver and Stephanie were editing an audio of me saying lies that I never said? Come to think of it though, he hasn't been talking to me as much anymore..

I didn't even realize the class had already started. In all honesty though, I didn't really care. I was going to try and see if I could somehow ask Oliver what they were doing, even though I had a feeling it wouldn't work out.

356 words! Sorry for such a short chapter! The chapter after the next one will be much longer I promise, because that's where the drama starts 😍

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