~2~ "In the past"♡

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Noah POV:
I waited in the office for my parents to come. "Noah you have to stop picking fights with Michael. You guys used to be friends before, what happened?" I heard the principal speak over the sound of typing.

"I'm not giving you that information." I firmly spoke. "Don't speak that way to me, Noah carter. I will get you suspended."

I rolled my eyes and just stayed silent. A few minutes later my mother arrived. "I'm very sorry. Was my son troublesome again?" I heard her apologize.

I picked up my bag and walked to her. "He just picked a fight with Michael again." "Again? Noah." I rolled my eyes and just waited outside.

A few seconds later she came outside and I followed her to the car. "Noah what did I tell you about picking fights with Michael?" I was silent and just continued walking. "Noah."

"To not pick fights with him." "This is getting out of hand dear. You have to at least try not to argue with hin as much-" "Rivals never stop arguing, mom." We both stayed silent until we got to the car.

"Well, do you want to eat something?" She asked. "No, i'm not hungry at the moment, let's just go home." "Alright hun." We didn't say a word to each other during the drive.

The truth was, we had been childhood friends. But that was years ago. Both of us changed, we aren't the same kind and caring kids we were back then. And everyone has to accept that.

Michael POV:
"Again Mike?" Mother spoke up. Father nodded and I just crossed my arms. "Sweetheart, why do you always find some reason to fight with each other? What happened to your relationship as kids?"

I looked up at her. "I never want to talk about that." I looked away. "Ah, okay. Well lunch will be served soon, alright?" I nodded and just went up to my room.

Even though I had said I never wanted to talk about what happened with me and Noah as kids, I actually did. It had never been my fault for our relationship as friends to break. It was his. I remember it like it was yesterday.


"What?" I muttered. "I'm not going to be friends with you anymore. Who'd wanna be friends with a crybaby loser anyway?" Noah laughed.

I looked down and felt tears come in my eyes. Some other boys were behind Noah also laughing. I didn't stay there for another second.

I ran. "Awhh look! The crybaby is running away from how sad he is!" They continued to laugh. I just wanted this to end. For this nightmare to end. Wake up. Please wake up.

Back to reality...

I just remember hin telling me that he didn't want to be friends anymore. Maybe those boys had told him something, or he was just messed up, but I hadn't done anything.

That's why I swore to myself I wouldn't ever let my guard down again. That's what happens when you're too kind and caring.

You get backstabbed by someone you trust dearly, which I won't let happen again and i'll make sure of it. "I won't ever forgive you Noah. Ever."

539 words! And that's the end of chapter 2<3 what do you think happened that made Noah want to stop being friends with Mike? Hm... we'll find out soon<3 ^^

~Rival Enemies~ Michael x NoahWhere stories live. Discover now