~23~ "Recording."

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Oliver POV:
I stood with Stephanie in a corner showing her the recording. "Okay good, now we just have to type right here what we want to change and replace it with." She spoke. I nodded and started making the changes to the audio. How funny this would be when we finished this audio.

Noah POV:
I was watching from a distance what Oliver and Stephanie were doing in a corner. I had warned Oliver already, but it didn't seem like he listened.

I was going to make him pay, but I wanted to know what they were doing. So I was listening. It sounded like they were playing a recording.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at who's phone it was. It was Stephanie's. Maybe I could trick her into giving it to me later.. I got off the wall I was leaning on and went over to them. "Hey Steph.. what are you guys doing?" I put a fake smile on.

She quickly turned her phone off and gave it to Oliver. "Hey babe, I was just showing Oliver some stuff on Snapchat." That was an obvious lie, but I pretended to believe it. I talked a bit more with them, giving Oliver a few glares.

I could tell he was a bit nervous, which I loved. The bell rung, which meant it was lunch time. I told them I was leaving now, which I did. I was definitely getting that phone later.

Later on break...

I smiled as I saw Michael laughing with his friends. I felt so bad for doing all the bad things I did to him, I know I didn't deserve him at all. But I still love him so much.

I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and looked for Stephanie. I saw her on her phone as if she was scrolling on it and I went over to her. "Hey baby," I gagged at the nickname I just called her. "Hey babe!" "Can I use your phone for a second?" "Uh, sure?"

She hesitated at first but then gave it to me. "Give it back soon please, I have to go talk with my friends about something." She said. I nodded and she left.

I looked over it and nothing seemed different, all the photos, messages and stuff were pretty much the same. Thought, I saw one new thing. It was an app called "Recorder changer."

(No it's not real even thought I wish it was, also I had no ideas for the name sorry about that TvT)

I opened it and saw a audio in the main screen.  I clicked on it and brought it up to my ear. I heard Michael and Oliver voice, talking about.. me and Michael having sex. I listened closer, and realized this was edited.

I couldn't tell the first time, but I had to replay it and listen closer to tell. So if they were going to show this to people, I knew that everyone would believe them. It played Michaels voice, saying how much he loved me and how he loved fucking with me, though he would do it to anyone and that he just used me. I knew it was fake though.

"Oh shit." I whispered. If they were going to show this to everyone, this wasn't good. It would ruin his and possible my reputation. I figured I should probably tell Michael as soon as possible.

I went to go give Stephanie her phone, then went to go look for Michael. I found him at his locker, scrolling through his phone. "Michael! I have to tell you something!"

He looked at me with an annoyed look, obviously he didn't want to talk or see me and I could understand why. "How many times have I told you not to talk to me asshole." "Look Michael, I really need you to listen.

Stephanie and Oliver are planning to do something to your reputation." "I'm not falling for your lies Noah. I don't trust you. Not after what you did." He turned around and walked away.

I stood there, not saying anything. I couldn't blame him for not trusting me, I did lie to him. I needed to get him to trust me. I needed to do something before they finished and showed that audio to everyone. I have to.

729 words. So do you guys still hate Noah? 🤔

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