~8~ "Friends"♡

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Noah POV:
I stood by the lockers waiting for my friends to come at school. I was just scrolling through my phone until I looked up and saw my friends coming through the big double doors.

I waved, signaling them to come to me. They saw me and walked toward me. As soon as I was about to talk to them, I saw Michael and his friends coming through the doors as well.

He looked at me and smiled slightly, waving a bit. I panicked and quickly pushed them away to a room, in which I also went in. It was pretty stupid. "Noah what the hell? What happened?" One of them asked.

"Nothing, I just saw a teacher coming and thought we would get in trouble for just staying at the lockers. "Oh, alright. Anyways-" Then that's where I trailed off the conversation.

I felt bad for ignoring Mike like that, but then again if my friends saw him then they would probably stop being friends with me, maybe even make fun of me for talking with him. So I decided to take a safe way instead. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

Michael POV:
Wow. That asshole really ignored me. I thought we were gonna play it cool, maybe finally be nice to each other. Guess not.

This bastard, I don't even know why I smiled or why I was even being nice to him in the first place. I scoffed and my friends probably noticed what happened, since they got a bit worried too.

"Hey, we're sorry he's acting like that now. He was just fine yesterday, wasn't he?" Simon said. "It's not your fault, and yeah he was. But I don't care, I guess rivals just stay rivals."

"I guess..." So we just brushed it off and continued to walk to our classes, talking about some random stuff. He was not just a rival, and nothing else. I guess it would stay like that for a long time. Only Rivals. Rivals.

OKAY SMUT LOVERS, THE SMUT WILL BE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Hope that's enough to feed you hungry people<3 Anyways 336 words! Get ready for the smut in the next chapter<3 And for my angst people, well big angst is coming soon >:)

~Rival Enemies~ Michael x NoahWhere stories live. Discover now