~31~ "Revenge." Final chapter(?)

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Michael POV:
I was going back to school today. For the first time in like a week and a half. I was nervous, but excited. I took a short breath and walked out of my house, walking slowly to school. About three minutes into walking, I heard Simon and Mark.

Hadn't heard from them in a while. "Michael! What happened to you dude? You missed school for like a whole week!" They both ran up to me and walked with me on each of my side. "I was too scared to come back to school after what happened, so I stayed home."

They were silent for a few seconds until Simon spoke. "Was there a change today or something?" "Sorta." I slightly smirked to myself, remembering about the revenge me and Noah would do today. "Why's that?" "You'll see later." "Oh okay, Glad to see you're okay now! Anyways,"

Then I didn't really pay attention after that. We got to school about 2 minutes later, and I saw Noah waiting at the door from afar. I stared at him and slightly blushed, remembering him saying that we should "fake" date.

To be honest though, seeing him a lot more often, knowing that he doesn't love his girlfriend, and that he's been much kinder to me has made me gain feelings for him.

I was planning to tell him soon, but I was scared. So I decided to just wait a while. Mark glanced at me, then at Noah. "What are you staring at him for? You know he was the one who made fun of you too."

"Yeah but, he said he didn't do it intentionally. And apart from you guys, he's the only one who believed me. So we came up with a plan to take revenge on them." "Oh so is that why you came today?" Simon spoke from behind me.

"Yeah." "Well can't wait to see how this will go down." He chuckled. I smiled and we finally made it to the front of school. Noah noticed us and he put his phone away. It was silent until Mark spoke up. "We'll leave you two alone." He said as he pulled Simon with him. "Gah, Mark!" I heard Simon yell.

I chuckled and looked back at Noah. He blinked a few times as if he broke out of a trance. "You okay?" I asked. He cleared his throat before saying, "Yeah i'm fine." He held my hand and I blushed. "You're okay with this, right?" He asked. "Mhm.." "Okay." We both turned in front of the school and I gulped. I hadn't been here for a while. "You ready?" I turned to look at him. "Yeah." I looked back. "I am."

Noah POV:
As soon as we walked in the building, I pulled out my phone to get the recording ready. People turned around as they saw Michael, but he just kept his head down. "Don't worry about them." I reassured him as we kept walking.

I felt him get closer to me till he was basically leaning on my arm and I blushed. Finally we saw Stephanie talking to Oliver near the cafeteria. She turned around and looked at both of us, a sort of shocked face. "Why are you holding his hand, Noah?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

"We're dating." I simply said. Her eyes grew wide. "No, you're dating me! You can't be dating this freak, especially after what he said!" "Are you sure it's not something you said and something you edited?" By this point, everyone had dropped their conversations to look at us.

"Fine. If you really are dating, prove it." I knew what she meant, but I didn't know if Michael was comfortable. I looked down at him, and he seemed worried. Like he thought I wouldn't do anything. But I did. I turned him around to face me, and kissed his lips.

Michael POV:
He was fucking kissing me. Holy shit. I closed my eyes and tried to avoid her angry look. He pulled away and looked back up at her. "Need any more proof?" He smirked. I looked down, blushing because of what he had just done.

I know we've kissed while we had sex, but I don't know something felt different. "Why the fuck are you dating him!?" She yelled. She looked like she was about to attack me with the angry glare she was giving me, but Noah spoke up again.

"If you try to hurt him I swear to god i'll shove your head into a locker." She glared at me. She stuck the middle finger up at me, and for some reason I just snapped.

"How about you take that finger and shove it up your ass since no one's gonna even want to finger your ass?"

I felt proud with my come back since she drew back and I heard everyone else in the hall start doing noises like "OOHH" and "DAMNN". I chuckled slightly and looked up at Noah, who I saw blushing.

He blinked a few times again and looked back at Stephanie. "Ugh, whatever! I was just using you for your money anyways!" She yelled in "defense." "Do you really think I care?" He laughed. "Oh, and one more thing." He said as he unlocked his phone. "What do you want now." She rolled her eyes.

I looked over his shoulder onto his phone, since he was still grabbing my hand and saw him post the audio on the schools story. I heard many phones make a ding noise from everyone around us.

They all quickly pulled out there phones and listened to the audio. Some played it with their phones at max volume, so she heard as well. I looked back at her with a smirk on my face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She yelled at us.

I shrugged. "It's only fair, isn't it?" Noah chuckled. "Get lost, no one wants to see your face. Your reputation is ruined too, and so is your future." He said. "Karma's a bitch~!" I winked at her and laughed.

"Fuck you guys!!" She started crying and ran out. "And you?" Noah said as he looked back at Oliver. "I-" "If I ever see your ass again I won't hesitate to punch you. Get lost and don't ever talk to me and Michael."

Everyone behind us was showing each other the audio and with a look of disgust. I'm so glad it was working. Oliver finally left and finally me and Noah just stood there. We were silent, and the people behind us were talking quietly. Some people came over to me and apologized, which I forgave them for, then they smiled and left.

"Is it over then?" I asked as I looked at him. He nodded and smiled his warm smile. I wanted him to be mine.. I couldn't help it. I have to tell him. "Noah.. I have something to tell you." I said as I got it front of him, holding both of his hands now.

It seems like some people dropped their conversations to listen to us too. "Hm? What is it Mike?" I blushed and looked down. "W-well.. I wanted to say that, i've been in love with you from quite some time now!" I yelled quickly and covered my face.

I peeked from my hands and saw him blushing. "I.. I wanted to ask if you'd like to be my boyfriend.." I blushed and looked down again, while slightly smiling at the same time. He was silent for a few second, and I for a second regretted what I said, in fear of rejection.

"Isn't that supposed to be my job?" He smiled. "Huh?" I looked up, confused by his answer. "I was supposed to be the one to ask you out, darling. I guess you beat me to it. How cute and brave of you." He chuckled and pulled me into a hug, wrapping his hands around my waist.

I blushed and i'm pretty sure my whole face just turned red. Everyone was doing some noises again, like "AWHHH". But I was just happy to be together with him. I hope it would last forever, I really loved him. As if he had just read my mind, he whispered in my ear, "I'll make sure to love you forever, Mikey." He kissed down my neck. "I love you." I blushed, but smiled.

"I love you too."

1415 words.. Wow.. i've come so far with this book! Thank you for all the support with this book, I hope you all enjoyed it<3 This might not be the final chapter, though if it isn't I will update this book very rarely, with only an extra 2 or three chapters at most! But thank you all for the support on this book, i'll be updating my other books much more often now though! :) Thank you, all of you! <3

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