~27~ "Plotting the revenge."

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Michael POV:
Over the past few days, I haven't been going to school. I was too afraid to even show my face after what happened. Somehow, my parents were okay with it.

I guess they understood that this was something very grieving for me, so they aloud me to stay at home for a couple of days. Though, Noah came a lot often though.

However, it was for a good reason. We were starting to plot the revenge that we were going to do to get back at Stephanie and Oliver because, well, it's fair, isn't it? Like an old saying my father used to tell me, "What goes around comes around."

As Noah came every day though, I could feel us starting to get closer than we were before. It made me happy really, though, I still didn't completely trust him.

He could do something I don't expect again, which is why I wasn't going to let my guard down. Noah came over again, but today he had a smirk on his face. "Hey, what's that smirk about?" I asked as he entered my room.

He laughed and reached into his pocket, pulling out a cell phone. Even though I hadn't seen it in a while, I knew who's it was. Stephanie's. My eyes lit up and I giggled. He closed my door and came over to me, sitting down on the floor.

"Okay so, I figured out a bunch of secrets from her like what she talks about her friends, what she thinks about everyone, her sleeping with a bunch of other guys-" "Wait but isn't she dating you?" I interrupted him after he said that he figured out she was dating a bunch of other guys at the same time.

"Well yeah, but I honestly don't care. I don't love her anyways." He shrugged. "But here's the best part." He smiled. "What is it?" I smiled back. He pulled out his own phone and out Stephanie's phone on the floor, and he scrolled through his phone.

He went onto photos and I saw many small recordings. "What?" I asked, confused on what he wanted to show me. "I watched and recorded them every time they edited the audio, so I have lots of proof that they faked the audio." He held up his phone and smiled.

My eyes lit up and my heart filled with joy. I could now prove that I really hadn't said any of those horrible things. "Oh thank you Noah!" I quickly fell to the floor and hugged him tightly. I stammered and I pulled back. "Sorry, i'm just so happy!" I smiled.

It could've been my imagination, but I thought I saw him blush very slightly before smiling. I probably saw it wrong though. For the next two hours we were putting all the audios together and making sure that everything fit together, and that it all looked and sounded realistic so everyone would believe it, even though it truly was real.

My mum had been bringing in small snacks for us like fruit and such. We weren't done with all of the audios yet, but it was getting late and Noah had to go home. "Are you sure it's okay I go home now? I can stay a bit longer so we can finish more of it." He said just as he was about to leave.

"It's okay Noah, you have done a lot to help me today so I think it's better you rest now. Thank you again." I hugged him. He stayed silent for a few seconds before coughing and talking again. "No problem Mike, i'll come back tomorrow, okay?" I pulled away from the hug and smiled.

"That's fine, i'll be waiting. Have a good school day tomorrow." I thought I saw him blush again. Though I was probably just seeing it or something. He smiled and left the house. From behind me, I heard my siblings making noises.

"Ooh~ Mikey has a crushh!" Elizabeth cheered. Evan giggled and I turned back to them. "I do not! Shut up both of you!" They both laughed and ran away and I chuckled. I couldn't be gaining feelings for him right now, could I?

704 words! Man, the revenge is going to be wild.. 🫢

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