~20~ "Oh?"

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Michael POV:
I stood by the lockers and just relaxed there for a few seconds. I heard footsteps coming closer to me, and I opened one of my eyes, seeing Oliver. "Oliver!" I opened both of my eyes and I saw as he looked around.

"Hey." "What's wrong? Why'd you look around like that?" I asked. "No reason. Anyways, We are still on for the cafe right?" "Yup." "Great. I'll uh.. I'll see you there then." He smiled. "Okay?" "By the way, do you know-"

He suddenly stopped talking and just froze, looking somewhere else. "Oliver?" "I- I gotta go. I'll catch you later." He suddenly ran away and I raised an eyebrow. "That was weird.."

I turned around and for a split second, I thought I saw Noah turn the corner, heading in the same direction Oliver was going. I was probably just imagining it though.

Oliver POV:
Honestly, I didn't give a damn about what that red headed guy said. I wanted to continue talking to Michael, which I still was.

Though, He did seem like he was going to get a little violent.. When I was talking to Michael, I saw him giving us a death glare. What the hell is his problem anyway?

I scoffed and just as I was about to head to class, I felt a kick in my stomach, making me fall backwards. I grunted and held the spot where it hurt, looking up at who it was that kicked me.

"You?" I said as I saw him again. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?" He spoke quietly, not really making a lot of noise. I rolled my eyes and he stepped down on where I was holding my stomach.

"Gah, shit.." "I asked you something." He nodded. "Yes! Jesus.." He went down to me and slapped me, holding me up by the collar of my shirt.

"I already warned you, and this is your last chance. If you don't stay away from Michael then I will do something to you that you won't like."

"So what, you can lose more of Mikes trust?" I spoke back. It seemed to shock him slightly, because his grip became a bit more loose. "He doesn't trust you already, and your basically trying to make him not trust you even more."

I could tell I was making him angrier, thought it wasn't something that I wanted really. He slapped me a bit harder and brought me close again. "Don't get into other people's business. Now stay away from him and we won't have any problems."

He slammed my head down and got up, walking away. I held the back of my head since it hurt, damn why was he so protective of him? It's not like they are dating. Maybe I can find a way for Michael to hate Noah even more..

After class

I walked out and saw Michael talking to one of his friends, I was about to go over to him when suddenly someone bumped into me. "Fuck, sorry. Are you okay?"

There was a small silence before someone took my hand and spoke. "Yes sorry! What's your name?" I looked down, and it was a girl. "Oliver, what about you?" I thought I saw a slight grin on her face, though it went really quick so I probably just imagined it again.

"I'm Stephanie."

565 words! Uh oh, will Oliver get influenced?

~Rival Enemies~ Michael x NoahWhere stories live. Discover now