~14~ "Rumors.." ♡

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Michael POV:
The school was filled with students already, and it wasn't even 7 am yet. I sighed as I knew it was just going to be another boring day. Or at least I thought so.

There were many students in the main hall, whispering to each other. Many gave me glares, others gave me shocked looks. I raised an eyebrow but continued walking, thinking maybe it was just another stupid rumor.

I finally saw my friends in a small group, but none of them looked happy. They all had a shocked look on their faces, just as so many other people did.

I went over to them and decided to question them, maybe they knew why everyone was like this. "Hey guys, why's everyone looking at me like this?" They turned to me and a small frowning face.

I raised my eyebrow again, expecting to get an answer. Mark leaned over to me, and spoke in a hushed voice. "So listen. I don't know who did it, but somebody told everyone about you and Noah having sex."

I listened, and my heart dropped at the end. "What?.." I looked behind me and saw some students staring at me. I felt slight tears in my eyes.

Not because I was upset, quite the opposite actually. I was angry at whoever told everyone, and I hoped it wasn't Noah, otherwise I would beat the absolute shit out of him.

I was embarrassed that practically almost everyone knew about this. "D..-do you know who it was?.." They all shook their heads and I looked down.

I felt eyes continue to stare at me, even if I wasn't looking. I could still sense them staring at me.

My friends must've realized my embarrassment or madness since they led me to one of the classrooms that nobody used anymore, you could call it abandoned I guess.

I bit my lip, almost hard enough to cause it to bleed. When they closed the door, I looked back at them. "Who the hell told everyone?! I thought you guys were the only ones who knew!" I yelled quietly enough so the people that were outside couldn't hear.

They looked at each other, then back at me. I gripped onto my hair and leaned on one of the desks. "Maybe just ignore them? I mean what are they gonna do, make fun of you?" Fredrick said.

I looked up at him, letting my grip go. "I guess you're right.." He smiled and I just looked to the side. Hopefully there wouldn't be any trouble with this, maybe I could just say it was a rumor and not true.

Usually nobody cared if it was a rumor. Just hopefully whoever the person was that told everyone doesn't continue to say this, because it could possibly get worse.

??? POV:
I stood by the lockers scrolling through my phone, when I looked up and saw one of my friends, Mia come running to me.

"You aren't going to believe me when I tell you this." She said gasping for air. "Just say it." I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket, crossing my arms.

"I heard that Noah had sex with Michael. As in Michael Afton." I raised an eyebrow. "It could just be rumor though!" I rolled my eyes. Rumor my ass, I know for a fact this is real.

It doesn't mean he loves Michael though. "Michael, hm? As also in Ms.Popular? The one who stole my fucking title?" I replied, slightly getting irritated. She nodded. "Interesting. Guess I have a competition now, huh?" I grinned. Get ready Michael, let's see who gets him.

610 words! Do you have a better idea of who "she" is now? 🤔 Find out next time..

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