Hot stuff

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(Erin’s POV) 

I couldn’t get out of there faster. My bare feet pounded against the cold, hard stairs as I sprinted out of Elijah’s building and across the street and into a park. I quickly found a bench and sat down; I slid my flats on before looking myself over. I looked horrible my hair was knotted and tangled, my clothes were dirty and I must look like a hooker. I was wearing a rose red strapless dress, that’s just below the slut line of my tights, no wonder I woke up in a strangers bed by the way I dressed last night. Well that’s the last time I go out with Miley. Miley’s that girl at school that goes out every day of the week gets drunk, sleeps with a random stranger and has the more fun in one evening than I’ve had my whole life! I don’t even know why I tagged along. Well I do, Beth-Ann asked me. Beth is one of my closest friends in collage, speaking of Beth I wonder if she’s okay. Oh god.....where’s my bag!

(Elijah’s POV)

I think it would be acceptable to stay in bed till five tonight. Me and that girl didn’t get in till three so I’m aloud to sleep for twelve hours, right? I pulled the covers over my head in attempt to block out the sunlight sneaking its way in. But then again I should probably have a shower before sleeping for another seven hours. I quickly escaped from my cosy hide away and ran into the bathroom. Its cold at ten in the morning and it’s really cold when you nude at ten in the morning. What I hated most about my apartment is the fact than the shower takes about ten minutes before it get warm. I decided to turn the shower on and while I wait I go have a cigarette. I skipped back through to my bedroom, picket up my cigarette packet and lighter and headed towards the window facing the park. I hate that I smoke but it’s been a habit since I was fourteen and ever since I haven’t been able to stop. I lit the death stick as I leant against the frame of the window. I took a deep inhale before admiring the view. I lived on the edge of town, which gave me a view of the park, sea and the far away islands. It was truthfully breath taking here, the way the sun shown against the crashing waves, the way the sun seemed to hide away behind the island but still managed to peck its head behind the mountains. It was truly beautiful. My eyes peered down to the quite park, there was a girl there. It was Erin; well this is going to be fun. I looked to my side to see steam coming from my shower after a record time of nine minutes it was ready! I put out my cigarette before strutting into the bathroom. My eye seemed to catch a small red bag hidden in the corner. A smile crept on to my face, it was Erin’s bag. I leapt over to it and quickly raided it for her phone, good thing she doesn’t have a pass code. I jacked her number and inserted mine into her phone. I placed her white I Phone back into her bag before jumping in for a quick shower. This is going to be fun.....

(Erin’s POV)

Okay Erin, you’re a young, strong, independent woman. You can do this, all you have to do is run back into Elijah’s building, bang on his door, ask for your bag and leave. It isn’t that complicated! I peeked into Elijah’s apartment. I could see the steam come from his apartment, great he was in the shower. I couldn’t help be keep my gaze on his bathroom’s window; I was only looking to see when he was going to retreat from his shower. Or creep on his buff body...Shut up hormones! Okay keep calm he really isn’t that good looking. My eyes widened as I saw his toned, tanned and perfect body. Okay stop, you’re being a creep. Maybe just one more peek...

“Hey Erin, like what you see?” Oh god.....

“NO!” I shouted quickly turning my head to face the other way.

“You forgot your bag”

“I know!”

“Do you want it back?” Well dah.


“Well come and get it babe!”

I groaned, I was going back into the stranger’s house. The stranger that’s just came out of the shower. Great!


Hey guys,

this was meant to be uploaded last night.But for some reason it was on draft. Sorry!

Lots of love,


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