Truth be told.

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(Erin's POV)

Did Elijah just hang up on me?

Okay I'm not going to be a 'needy' girlfriend. I'm I even his girlfriend? I mean I kissed him, that meant something to me but did it mean something to him? I'm I just a toy to him? Or do I really mean something to him? I'm an idiot, why would I mean anything to him? He could have anyone so why I'm I so special. I'm not, I probably mean nothing to him, I'm probably just a toy that he'll leave and throw away like a piece of trash. I was stupid to think that he could change for me, I was stupid to think that he isn't the same Elijah that night at the club. He is going to use me.

But whats worse is that I'm still me. The stupid girl that already has feelings for him, strong ones and I know they wont just go away. Not yet. I have to find out what I mean to him, if I mean anything to him then he would tell me. Right?

I quickly threw on a pair of blue skinny jeans, a checker shirt and a pair of black converse before putting my hair up in a messy bun. I take a peek outside to find out that its raining. Not just raining, pouring. I let out a large groan before running around like a headless chicken looking for my hoodie and umbrella. After I found them I zipped up my hoodie, opened the door and released my umbrella before heading to Elijah's.

As my now soaking wet feet reached Elijah's building I felt a worry go through my mind. What if he really doesn't care at all, not in the slightest? I need to be strong. You need to be strong Erin.

I took down my umbrella and opened the door to his complex and ran up to his door, number 69. Okay keep calm Erin. I banged the door and a sleepy Elijah reveled himself. His hair was messy, he had bags under his eyes and I could tell he hasn't had a shower in about two days but he still looked like a sex god. How I don't know but he did. A sex god dressed in trackies and a vest. That has probably never been seen. "Hey babe" Elijah almost croaked with a deep morning voice. He lean in for a kiss on the lips but me being frustrated and rather shallow and turn my head she he ended up kissing my cheek. " Is everything okay?"

" Can I come in we need to talk?" I asked, ignoring his question.

He moved back so I could work my way past. I quickly sat down on his couch and gestured for him to sit with me. He soon obeyed. " Erin what's going on? Did I do something?" He asked innocently which was a weird.

Okay Erin be strong just come out with it "Elijah I'm confused. What are we doing? Are we a couple? Did we just kiss? I have to know so please just tell me"

Elijah gave me an unsure look. He grabbed my hand before chuckling warmly."Do we really need labels? We're young, can we not just see how it goes"

I did think about it, I did but I need commitment from him. He could have anybody he wanted, he could just sleep with some other girl and not care less about me so I need commitment. I jerked my hand away from his "I need commitment Elijah. You can have all of me or none of me." That was hard to say but this was going to be even harder "And if you don't care about me then I'll just go" He stayed quiet, he just looked at me. "Okay I get it I'll just go" I stood up and walked over to the doorway. Don't cry in front of him Erin. Don't let him see you cry.

"Erin, wait" Elijah said standing up. "Don't go please"

Take a deep breathe Erin. Say it. "I get it. You never cared about me, you just wanted me in your bed then leave me like a piece of trash. And it's okay I understand. Sleeping with, kissing me, it was just a thing. I mean nothing to you and I get it. Goodbye Elijah I hope you have a good life." I felt my eyes glass over, I had to get out before I cried. "Goodbye Elijah, forever"

I opened the door,slammed it behind me and ran down the stairs. Tears threating to fall from my eyes. I was so stupid, I knew my feelings would be smashed but I didn't listen.

I left Elijah's building and walked fastly along the street, the rain pouring down. I didn't even bother to put my umbrella up or my hood. I walked in the rain, crying quietly to myself.

I heard loud foot steps hitting against the pavement then I heard Elijah's voice "Erin! Wait up" I kept walking faster, he was going to lie to me and I don't think I could take that. "Erin please just listen to me!" I kept walking "Erin"

I turned around, Elijah was running behind me. Rain dripping from his locks "What are you doing?"

Elijah grabbed my hands and pulled me close. His forehead on mine "Don't do that to me again please" He begged quietly. "I care about you Erin and I'm sorry I never said it but I was scared. The last girl I said that too she-she died, she left me and I don't want that to happen again. I'm sorry Erin." Elijah let go of my hands and grabbed my waist before pulling me up and twisting my legs around his hips "I care about you Erin more than I'd like to admit" Elijah kept one hand on my waist and placed the other hand on my cheek. He brushed his thump along my bottom lip, my lips parting in anticipation. Elijah's lips moved in closer and closer, his lips nearly touching mine. The heavy rain pelting down hard as I fluttered my eyelashes,he moved his hand to my chin, his fingers slowly trailing along my jaw line "I care about you, I want you Erin." He slowly moves closer and seconds later his lips connects with mine. I felt like I was melting into him, I could feel the sparks fly.

I pull away slowly our eyes looking into one and others. I smiled fondly before pecking him again "I care about you too Elijah."

Elijah smiled at me before turning around and walking back into his apartment. This is what I want. I've always wanted him and now I have him. The bad boy and whats better is that he cares for me as much as I care for him.

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