A new high

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(Elijah's POV)

And wait for it...she'll run out of the door any second now! God I'm so stupid why did I tell her that!? Why does she keep staring at me? Do I have something on my face? "What are you looking at?"

"Why did you do it?" Erin asked completely ignoring my question.

I did it because I wanted to, she was hot. Who could blame me really? "I don't know just did"

Erin gave me an unsure look; it was like she was trying to figure something out. She gave a deep sigh before standing up and carrying her plate and glass to the sink. She started to clean the dishes and try to put them back in the correct cabinet. "Where do you keep your glasses?"

"In the one next to the cooker"

"Aww okay.....well I better be going" Well that was out of the blue.

"Why? You can stay here a little longer if you want" I wanted her to stay, why did I want her to stay?

"I need to go home, erm bye..." and with that Erin was out the door. Great...

I collapsed on my sofa and switched on the TV. Well today is going to be boring. I flicked through the channels till I got to a football match, which couldn't be any more boring. I groaned at the fact that I have a good five hours till I can go out clubbing. What I'm I going to do for five flipping hours! Could call Dave, Dave can be fun. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Dave, Dave is a cool guy. A really cool guy.

"Hey man, what do you want?" Well he's already stoned; it's a bit early for him.

"Can you come over, I'm bored"

"Why....No girl today"

"No, just come over. If you come in ten minutes I'll pay you double"

"You don't pay me anyway man" true...

"Well £0 times £0 is a big number so get the hell over her!"

"Someone wants to get stoned!"

"Like I said I'm bored"

"Right okay I'll be over in thirty" and with that the call ended.

I gave deep sigh, I could go text Erin. That might be fun.

"Hey babe. X"

Within about ten seconds I agot a reply "-_- how did you get my number?" I could almost sense the groan when she saw my message.

"I'm good with phones ;)"

"Great....What do you want?"

"What are you doing?"


"No last week!"

"Talking to you"

"Don't crack wise!" Wait I'm twenty-one not fifty, why did I just type that?

"Lol!" Wait; did she just say 'lol'?

"Are you going clubbing later?"

"No, last night was a onetime thing. Never again!" well that hurt....

"Why? Did you not like the sex? ;)"

"I don't remember it, never mind like it!"

Once again that hurt.... "Well come out clubbing with me tonight, okay. I'll meet you outside the club at eight k! And if you stand me up you'll be getting punished ;) x"

That wasn't pushy right, I like her and I want to see her so...

After about twenty minutes I heard a knock at the door, it was Dave obviously. "Hey my main man! What's happening?" Yep he's definitely stoned. "What stuff do you want!?"

I groaned "Something light, going out later"

Dave gave me a smirk "A girl? Oh Elijah has a girlfriend!"

"Shut up at least I have one instead off wanking" Oh that as a bad come back. "Anyway, what have you got?"

"Acid, weed and I think I have heron, not sure" He said looking through his bag. "What do you want mate?"

"Something light"

He gave me a smirk and chucked me a bag of weed. "It's not to light but then again you are a lightweight"

I rolled my eyes at him I felt like protesting because he's more of a lightweight than I am but he's giving me it for free so I'll stay quite. Let's hope Erin doesn't see me like this...

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