I would tell you to f*ck off but....

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(Erin's POV)

I gritted my teeth as my body grew closer to Elijah. Who the hell does he think he is, just popping up in the middle of nowhere? What a stalker. Elijah flashed me a smile but I didn't return the favour, I narrowed my eyes before gesturing him to follow me. I dragged him away from MY friends and folded my arms, glaring at him. Like before he just smiled, sticking his hands in his jean pockets. "What are you doing here?" I snapped.

He moved closer to me, biting his lip as he placed his large hands on my hips "Came to see you babe"

I pushed his hands away and took three steps back "Really? Aww how sweet... Now fuck off!" I cursed nudging past him. I made my way through to my friends who were still standing gossiping and smirking at me. My eyes caught Beth-Anne's gaze, she was smirking like the rest. I gave her look "Hey guys!" I beamed trying to forget about Elijah, which was mere impossible.

Elena and Lia smiled and Ryan winked at me laughing. They were going to ask about my stalker I could feel it. "So... Who's Elijah?" Beth-Anne asked sniggering. She obviously knew who he was to me. Which sucked, they will never let me forget about my 'hook-up' that I didn't even remember!

I groaned thinking about him "he's just someone I met at club"

Elena and Lia burst out laughing "yeah sure" Lia commented.

It was partly true; I mean I did meet him at a club.... And slept with him after but they don't have to know about that. I looked around making sure Elijah was gone. I was thankful that he's gone but to be honest I wish I could speak to him. He's a good person....deep down. I backed away from my now laughing group of friends and headed to go find coffee.

My flats smashed against the wooden floor as the scent of coffee and tea hit me. I plopped myself in line, tapping my foot as I waited to be served. "Erin?" I heard a deep familiar voice question. I turned my attention to where the voice came from. It was Jack.... my ex Jack, the only ex I've ever had. I was stunned; this day was going to be interesting. I scanned over Jack, he hasn't changed. Same geeky glasses, same cute smile and the same dark combed to the side hair. His almost black eyes pierced mine as he pulled me into a hug. "I've missed you so much!" He cheered, smiling. He reminded me a lot of Henry from 'Ugly Betty' except not as buff.

I smiled awkwardly back before my eyes quickly scanned him again. His fashion sense was still as bad as it was a few months back. Shirt buttoned all the way up with a bright red tie and gray sweater tightly wrapped around his torso. He was always well cut to put it simply, always shirt and tie with gel combed to the side hair. I have no idea how I when from Jack to Elijah. "Hey...."

He gave me another smile showing his pearl white teeth. He got his brace off, that's new! "So how are you?"

I couldn't really speak that well. My ex was beaming in front of me while I felt unbelievably awkward. My eyes broke gaze from Jacks and to the boy leaning against the wall of the coffee shop. It was Elijah of corse! I felt my eyes widen before I pulled out of line and pushed my way through to the door. I looked back to Jack who was following me, great. I quickened my pace only to bump into, guess who, Elijah. "Hey Babe, did you come running to see me?" He smirked grabbing onto my hips.

I felt like punching his face off. "Elijah please just sto-" My words were stopped right in their tracks as Elijah pressed his lips against mine. I was most certainly going to punch him now.... well maybe another five seconds of this couldn't hurt. Elijah's hands moved softly up my back as he began to deepen the kiss. God I'm an idiot, jack is probably being traumatised right now. I placed my hands on Elijah's toned chest and pushed back lightly, breaking the kiss as I did. He bit his lip and he gazed down looking for a reaction. "Elijah this I Jack, my ex"

Elijah peered behind me and saw the geeky boy standing a few metres behind us. Elijah let out a short laugh before pushing past me. "Hey Jack"

Jack took a step back as Elijah towered over him "he-hey" He stuttered giving me a look that said "Erin help he's going to kill me"

I came up behind Elijah and grabbed a hold of his arm. His eyes met mine and gave me a questioning look before shrugging and looking back at Jack "so Jacky-boy fuck off she's mine" He commented with a cocky tone.

I pulled away from Elijah "I'm not yours" I hissed giving Jack a sorrow filled look. I could see this only going on way and that being Jack with a black eye. Well I asked for it...

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