You don't know me

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(Erin's POV)

I can't believe I'm walking back up to Elijah's apartment. Like I had a choice in the matter but still. By the time I walked up three flights of stairs, I was at his apartment, number 69. Irony much. I smashed my newly formed fist against the pale white door three times, before preparing myself for a wet, naked Elijah. I began to tap my foot, why was he taking so long? After three minutes I smashed my fist against the door again ten times harder, making sure the whole apartment building could hear. I became very unwilling to wait any longer; I forced the door open and stormed into the living room. I had to say, he had good taste. His living room look high end for someone who lives on the outside of town. Everything was red, black or silver. Not to mention high tech plasma TV, iPad, iMac, sky TV, Xbox, play station and the coolest looking sound system of all time. I sat myself down on the red soft, folded my arms, legs and waited for the boy to come into the living room. I watched the clock as the time pasted by, it felt like I was waiting for hours. Even though I was only waiting for a few minutes. "Elijah?" I shouted "are you here?" If he wasn't this is going to be creepy. I heard a grunt come from his bedroom. So I've been waiting here for almost ten minutes and he's been in his bedroom! Really! I pounced to my feet, as I stormed to the idiotic boy's bedroom. "Elijah, you do know if you're in here I'm going to claw you!" I shouted trying to open the locked door.

I heard a snigger come from the other side "sounds kinky Erin"

"Okay shut up and open the door!"

"What are you going to do to me" he said with a low husky voice. I thought about it for a second. I would of said something along the lines of punch you or slap you. But I think he would think I meant it in a sexual way. I sighed in defeat; I let my slender body fall against the door and slide onto the black carpet. I leant against the door waiting, hoping that Elijah would open it. "Are you still there babe?"

I wish I wasn't "Yes. Are you going to open the door?"

"Not until you tell me what you're going to do to me" Great this again!

"I'm going to punch your teeth out if you don't open the door"

Before I knew my body fell to the other side of the door. I was now flat on the ground, in between Elijah's legs....Oh god he's wearing a towel! I put my hands over my eyes trying not to see anymore of him that I've already seen. I heard him giggle before continuing his walking into the kitchen. I removed my hands before sitting up, he was topless...Okay, wait what was I saying. "You do know that the door was open for about ten minutes before I opened it, right?" he said collecting a pan and grabbing some bacon from the silver fridge.

"Yes, I did. Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

"Do you want a serious answer?" he said with a cheeky smile. I felt like I was arguing with my brother, a hotter version of my brother, but still my brother. I rolled my eyes before going on a bag hunt. After almost five minutes I gave up. "Looking for something?" Elijah said biting his lip.

He's hidden it; god he's annoying....and dreamy. Okay shut up hormones!!!! I seriously feel like hitting my lady parts to make them shut up about how gorgeous he is. "Where is it?" I moaned.

"If you have breakfast with me I'll give you it" really! Why can I not just leave already! "I don't want to let you starve now, do I?"

I narrow my eyes at him "What's you angle?"

"I'm I not allowed to be nice to guests?" He said retreating back to his bedroom and slipped on a pair of trackies.

"No! I know what kind of boy you are. You're the boy that plays a girl!" I said harshly.

Elijah walked over to me, his eyes on mine. When he stopped we were less than thirty centimetres away from one and other. He cupped my face before pushing my hair away from my face "You don't know me at all Erin" He moved in closer, his forehead was now on mine "You think you do but you really don't. You think I'm a bad boy who uses girls for sex even though I want more. But really I want what everyone wants love, children, a nice house and a family" He moved his head to the nape of my neck, his plump lips brushed over my tender skin before they finally left delicate kisses. Elijah moved his lips to my ear "But do you know what I need Erin?" he whispered before moving his lips centimetres away from mine.

I felt weak at the knees from not only his movements but his words. "What do you need?"

"Someone that can love me, someone that can see past me....Someone like you" With those words, Elijah closed the distance between our lips. I couldn't help but lean into the kiss. Without even saying a word I moved my lips against Elijah's and with that he responded. Our lips were now in perfect synchronization, I began to lean in even more. I placed my hand on Elijah's dark hair, pulling him into a more passionate kiss. Elijah placed his hands on my waist and pulled my closer to him; he pulled me over to the couch and placed me down gently before lying on top of me. We didn't break our kiss but the heat of it grew. Elijah began to move his lips back to my neck before finding my sweet spot. What was I doing? All I know I that I like it. My head fell back against the soft pillow as Elijah continued leaving behind love bites and trails of kissing down my neck. All of a sudden a loud beeping sound went off, the fire alarm. "Saved by the bell" he said removing his body away from mine and strutting over to the cooker. "How do you like you bacon?"

"Baconie" Why did I just say that?

Elijah sniggered before biting his lip "Well let's hope you like it burnt". He got out two plates and placed the burnt bacon on them before walking over to a small silver and black dining table. He placed the plates down before returning to the fridge and grabbing a carton of milk. "Tea, milk or coffee?"

"Just milk" I said heading over to the dining table.

Elijah nodded before pouring the pure white liquid into two separate glasses. He walked over to where I was sitting and placed them on the table, gave me a small smile before sitting down. "So Erin, what age are you?" He asked biting into the rock hard bacon.

"Nineteen, what about you?" I said before downing the glass of milk.

He smiled before placing his hand on my cheek as he wiped his thumb along my top lip "Milk moustache" He removed his hand before licking the liquid off of his thumb "And I'm twenty-one"

"Do you work?" I asked trying not to show a cheesy smile.

"In-between jobs" he smiled.

"What jobs?"

"Unemployed and getting a job" So he was unemployed pretty much "What about you, do you go to college?"


"What do you study?" He asked taking a few more bites of the rock hard bacon.

"Art and photography"

"Cool, I studied English" he said before a look of regret sprung to this eyes.

"Do you have a degree?"

"....I was chucked out before I could finish" he said with almost a look of sadness.

"Why did you get chucked out?" What the hell did he do?

".....I slept with my teacher"

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