Stolen kisses.

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(Erin’s POV)

I nuzzled into the crook of Elijah’s neck. His eyes began to flicker open. “Are you going to get up?” I whispered quietly.

 Elijah sighed before stretching his arms above his head. “No.” He answered pulling his arm around me. “It’s too early.”

“It’s almost ten and we’re meeting my parents in two hours so get up.” I said sternly.

“No.” He grumbled.

This is war. I kicked the covers to the bottom of the bed and swung my legs around his hips so I was onto of him. “Get up.” I commanded. He didn’t move. “Get up!” I said with a sing song tone. He just lay there, smirking at my attempts. I moved my lips close to his but I didn’t kiss him, Oh no that would be too nice. I took his bottom lip in-between my teeth.

His eyes shot open. “I like it when you act dirty.” I removed my mouth away, throwing my head back in laughter as Elijah grabbed my hips and nuzzled his face into my chest. He pushed me down so I was lying with my back on the mattress and he was on top. Elijah was on his knees and I had my legs tangled around his hips as his mouth came into contact with my skin. He began leaving kissing around my stomach before running his tongue up my stomach, past the valley in-between my breast and up to my shoulder blades. My body began to scrum, hoping to be released from Elijah’s playful ways. He left a few butterfly kisses along my shoulder blades before moving his mouth up to my neck, then to my ear. “Are you ticklish Erin?” He asked with a low tone. Not the question I was expecting.

I was but I couldn’t tell him that. “No.”

“Are you sure?” Elijah moved his hand to my curves and began tickling. His finger tips moving around my hips and curves as I tried to breathe through my laughter. “You lied!”Elijah shouted laughing.

My hands were trying to push his hands away as I laughed uncontrollably. “Get off!” I shout through my laughs.

Elijah stopped and smiled at me. He moved his hands to my cheeks, cupping my face gently as his lips met mine. He pulled away and removed himself from the bed, making me pout. “So I’m meeting your parents today?”

I nodded “In a few hours, I told them twelve.” 

“Well we could watch a movie in two hours. Wanna watch pretty in pink? I love 80’s movies so I don’t mind watching it.” He soundly like he wanted to watch it more than I did. Are you secretly a girl Elijah? No, he isn’t. I can testify to that.

“Yeah sure, but I need a shower.”

“Can I co-”

“No you can’t come.” I laughed cutting in. I removed myself from Elijah’s bed and pulled my arms around his bare chest.

“Or we could just stay in bed, forever.”

I rolled my eyes at his cheesy comment “I’m going for a shower, put the DVD on. I’ll be out in five.” I let go of Elijah’s toned chest and headed for the bathroom.

“Love you.” Elijah croaked.

I turned and smiled at him. I didn’t expect to be like this, the lovey dovey couple but here we are. Sweet nothings, love you’s, the works. Yet I still have a thought at the back of my mind, ‘Do I really trust him?’ I know this won’t last forever, it can’t. Can it? Elijah isn’t the type to marry the high school sweetheart. This isn’t a fairytale or a love story; it will have to end but when? Soon? Ten years from now? Who knows? I guess that’s the problem, we will never know till that fight or that tragic day. But I think I do know. I know that my parents will get rid of him. I know my parents will tell him that I’m going away to America and I know that we’ll break up before year’s end. “Love you too.”

I just have to stay strong.


“You ready babe? We’ll be late if you don’t hurry up.” Elijah said banging on the bathroom door.

“Almost, I’m just getting dressed.”

I threw on a white laced dress, brown ankle boots with my ‘E’ necklace and a few brown leather bracelets to match. My hair was in a high pony with a silver hair-band stretched across it. Thank god for hair-bands or I’d have a bad hair day every day. I quickly applied some natural make-up and some light pink lip gloss.

I opened the bathroom door to see Elijah sitting at the end of the bed with his phone in his hand. He was wearing skinny black jeans, a plan white tee shirt, black lace up boots with a silver chain tag necklace and his leather jacket. He gave me a once over before smirking “You look lovely.”

“Thank you. Are we ready to go?”

Elijah nodded before standing and walking over to me. He grasped my necklace in-between his finger and thumb before tugging on it lightly, pulling me close. Our lips connected for a few moments before I pulled away. “Is there something wrong?” He asked.

I pulled away completely. There is something wrong but I can’t tell him, not yet. “We should go.” I mumbled, ignoring the question. “I’m going to call my parents and tell them we’ll be late.”

Elijah grabbed my hand “What going on? Is there something wrong? Erin tell me.”

“I’m going to call my parents okay.” I said sternly picking up my phone and walking out.

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