Kissing Cam

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Sooo, this is an idea I got from Pinterest as well as another Wattpad oneshot and I decided to try it myself. Hopefully it won't be bad <3

Minho's POV

"JIIIIIISUNGGGGGGG" I whined for the hundredth time as I waited impatiently for the younger to get ready, which, he seemed to take forever in doing (intense eyeroll).
I sighed, shifting my body weight from my left leg to the right and put my hands on my hips as I rolled my eyes (once again) at Jisung's lack of response at my constant yelling.

Now, you might be wondering why I was yelling my ass off at a person who wasn't even responding. Well, the answer is me, Jisung, Felix, Hyunjin and Chan hyung had planned on going to a baseball match being held at a nearby stadium, but Jisung being Jisung, had forgotten all about it and was now taking ages to get ready.

No exaggeration.

After a few more shouts I gave up, signalling to Chan, Felix and Hyunjin waiting outside that Jisung still wasn't ready. Even from inside the house I could hear Hyunjin's dramatically annoyed huff.

Frankly, I felt the same way.

After killing my time for another ten minutes with the help of Instagram, I finally heard the familiar patter of steps on the staircase and stood up, ready to deliver a mouthful to the younger.
The sight in front of me however was not something I was ready for.

My open mouth stayed open as my eyes surveyed Jisung's figure. He was wearing a blue and yellow striped open cardigan with a white shirt underneath, tucked into loose sky blue ripped jeans. He also had on a pair of chunky white sneakers and his fluffy light brown hair was brushed and parted.

"Done staring?" He asked me suddenly and I snapped out of my state of shock, suddenly aware of his soft fingers underneath my chin, pushing it up and shutting my mouth.

When had Jisung come this close to me?????

We both were interrupted by the abrupt and impatient honking of Chan's car.

"Come on!" Jisung exclaimed on looking out of the window, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the car. "Or there'll be no match left to watch!"

I scoffed at that. "Says the one who took an hour to get ready."

"Well you can't deny I don't look good. And don't even try to deny it; your jaw was hanging open since the moment you saw me."

My face flushed at the embarrassment of getting caught and trying to sound as unfazed as possible, I mumbled a quick whatever before jumping into the back of the car.

Time skip to the first break in the game cause I have no idea what goes on in baseball.........

We were snacking on some nachos with salsa, chatting about the game amongst each other when suddenly the kiss cam came on.

All of us laughed as the camera focused on the various couples in the stadium, cheering whenever they kissed each other shyly or booing when they didn't.

Suddenly I felt Jisung tense up beside me. I looked at him in confusion and saw his eyes fixed on the kiss cam. The nacho I had been about to devour freezed half way to my mouth as I turned to the camera and saw larger versions of me and Jisung staring back at us.

Holy Shit.
The kiss cam had caught me and Jisung.

I laughed awkwardly, trying to mask the turmoil of emotions going on inside me as from the corner of my eye I saw Jisung turn bright red.

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