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Jisung's POV

"Hey Min?" I asked suddenly, not really surprising myself at the thought that had just occurred to me.


"Why aren't you ever romantic?" I deadpanned.

Minho put down his phone and turned to me with a confused look, head tilted to the side like an adorable, curious little cat.
"What do you mean?"

"I mean what I said" I said, getting up on my elbows to face him properly. Minho just stared at me blankly.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Like all you ever do is roast me or criticise me. You never hug me or kiss me or compliment me or, like, do anything that a normal boyfriend does." I pouted and Minho chuckled lightly, pinching my cheeks as I smacked his hand away.

"But jagi" Minho drawled, laying his head onto my lap and looking up at me with such adoring eyes, it was hard not to melt and get suspicious at the same time."Roasting and criticising is my love language. And besides," He added "I'm not that harsh, am I?"

I huffed, rolling my eyes.

No wonder people say fictional men are better than real ones.

"No" I said in a sarcasm laced voice as I rolled off the bed, giggling against my will as I heard Minho let out a grunt as his head smacked the wooden headboard accidentally.

I grabbed an unfinished romance novel I was reading the night before and walked into the living room, plopping down onto the couch with a little more than necessary force.

"Of course not."

'God baby, you don't know in exactly how many ways your driving me crazy, do you?' He asked her as his hands roamed over every curve of her slender body, fireworks erupting wherever his fingers brushed.

Jihna shook her head, genuinely intrigued and uncharacteristically, slightly amused as well, at the way he was falling apart infront of her. It turned her on....... badly.

'Then let me show you.....'

Saying so, he began pulling off pieces of her clothing, agonizingly slowly and teasingly, taking his own sweet time to admire her exposed body, little by little.

'Perfect' he purred and Jihna watched his Adam's apple bob up and down, shivering at the low, husky, lust filled voice of his that had been the death of her so many times.

On completely stripping her, he took her hand, brushing a feather light kiss against her knuckles, gradually going up till he reached her neck, nipping and licking in places and leaving marks wherever his lips touched.

After what felt like an eternity of yearning for his lips, Jihna's wish was finally granted.

The kiss was hungry, lust filled, desperate as both parties craved more of each other's addicting taste. Lips were bit as teeth clashed and tongues fought for dominance. Both of their hands roamed each other's bodies feverishly, discarding the pieces of clothing that got in the way of feeling each other's naked bodies.
They fell onto the bed amidst a tangle of bedsheets, legs and arms entwining as they hastened to continue their 'work'.

I shut the book and flopped down onto the couch. "Why can't he be like this?" I grumbled to myself.

"Why can't I be like what?" Came a voice from the door, startling me as I scrambled to sit up.

As soon as I got up my face started heating up to resemble an overripe tomato and I immediately turned the other way to cool down a bit.

Minho was standing at the door, leaning against the doorframe with a hand resting against the wood above his head, looking exactly like those fictional men I kept obsessing over. But that wasn't the worst part.

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