A boy can dream

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Knock knock.

Jisung stood nervously infront of Minho's house, wondering if he was even home right now or not.
Yeah. Minho didn't know Jisung had come to his house. The younger wanted to surprise his hyung. But now he thought if it was a good idea or not considering Minho's exams were coming up and he had been really stressed lately.

All these thoughts plagued the overthinking boy, who didn't even realise that Minho had opened the door and was now blinking at him confusedly.

"Jisung?" Jisung's head snapped up in shock as he gave a small smile to the older.

"Hi hyung"

"Hi! But what are you doing here? You never told me you'd be visiting. Okay, actually first come in. Then we'll talk."

Jisung obliged, walking into the house behind Minho. They went up to his room and Jisung looked around to see a mess of books, notebooks, highlighters and pens scattered across almost every surface.

"Sorry about the mess" Minho said sheepishly, noticing Jisung checking out his room.

"Hyung" Said the younger disapprovingly, turning towards Minho with a frown on his face. "This isn't the first time I'm seeing your room messy, you know?"

"Yeah I do. But you haven't seen my room this messy ever before. I guess I got so stressed for my exams that I forgot to clean up."

"It's fine hyung"

"Thanks Sungie" Jisung blushed at the nickname.

He surveyed the older properly.
Minho was wearing glasses today, instead of contacts, which, he looked pretty cute in. His hair was messier than his room and he had dark bags under his eyes which meant he hadn't been sleeping well.

Suddenly Minho laughed. "What are you staring at? Do I look that bad?"

"What? No! Actually," Said Jisung, thoughtfully. "I'm feeling really hungry and I'm pretty sure you are too, so why don't you go make something to eat while I clean up your room?"

"Are you sure? I can always clean up later."

Jisung waved him away. "I'm sure hyung. Let me help you out. And besides, studying in a cluttered environment only diverts your attention, so I'm actually indirectly helping you get better marks while saving your time." Jisung smiled proudly after that little speech.

Minho laughed. "Alright. I'll be downstairs if you need me" He playfully ruffled the younger's hair before walking out. Jisung smiled to himself, feeling euphoric for absolutely no reason.

He turned around to observe the disorganized room.

"Oh Jisung-"

"Gah!" Jisung yelped turning around so fast he could swear he heard his neck crack. "Hyung! You scared me!"

The older chuckled, his head sticking out from the doorway. "Sorry" He said, not sounding apologetic at all.

Jisung huffed. "What is it?"

"Oh nothing" Said Minho cheekily. "Just wanted to see you once again before going down."

"You'll...... see me when I go down to have, lunch with you....?" Said Jisung, confused yet flustered.

Minho pouted, which was unnatural for him. "Stop ruining the mood" He whined.

Jisung laughed at his cuteness. "Okay okay. So why did you really come up?"

"Can't I come up just to see you?" Asked Minho innocently.


The older huffed.

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