First date with a stranger Pt. 1

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OK, I knowwww that this kind of oneshot is very popular but I couldn't resist making one for Minsung. Hope you guys like it <3

Jisung's POV

"Baek-hyun, where are you?" Jisung mumbled to himself frustratedly, staring at his watch.

He was starting to attract apologetic stares from a few people in the restaurant and they were not helping him at all.

It made Jisung's anxiety act up a bit due to the attention, but it made sense, considering he had been sitting in the restaurant for the past twenty minutes, stalling his order for the guy he was waiting for.

Jisung sighed. Baek-hyun was probably just running late, because of traffic or something........ right? Of course the guy himself had a very don't care-ish attitude, doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and then forgetting about it later. But he had asked out Jisung on this date and who was Jisung to deny his long time crush asking him out?

But Baek-hyun had taken the initiative. He wouldn't bail on Jisung after arranging everything...... right?

Another ten minutes passed......

Then twenty.........

The waitress came back another two times. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to order, sir?"

"Y-yes. Just give me...... ten more minutes."

The waitress sighed, then nodded and walked away.

Another five minutes........

By this time basically everyone in the restaurant was feeling sorry for Jisung. The latter felt like crying. He kept tapping his fingers against the table anxiously, a nervous habit of his, until he decided there was no more point in waiting.

A guy can be ten minutes late. Even twenty. But not a whole forty five minutes!

Just as he was about to get up, a guy came and sat beside him, draping an arm over his shoulder. Jisung caught his breath. The guy looked illegally beautiful.

With silky black hair which flopped over his forehead, a chiseled nose, plump, pink lips and beautiful, almond shaped hazel eyes Jisung was sure this guy could have surpassed Kim Taehyung as the most beautiful man in Asia.

He snapped out of his thoughts when the guy started talking.

"Hey babe!" He exclaimed loud enough for almost the entire restaurant to hear and god his voice. He had a soft, honey like voice with a flair (okay a lot) of dominance in it. It made Jisung weak in the knees.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." He said giving a winning smile. "Honestly! Traffic was a nightmare."

"Play along" The guy suddenly whispered out of the corner of his mouth, the feline smile still intact on his pretty face.

Jisung snapped out of his shock, smiling back at the guy as much as he could and saying, "Thank God! I was beginning to worry."

The guy chuckled, then looked around a bit. Once he was sure everyone had stopped staring he removed his hand.

"Sorry. I watched how long you were sitting here without ordering and guessed that you were waiting for someone. Since you looked like you were getting anxiety by all the stares, I decided to come and help you out. The guy who bailed on you is a douchebag by the way." He added and Jisung couldn't help but laugh lightly.

Nevertheless he was amazed that the guy had noticed so much. Of course, the guy could turn out as a creep but that was a thought he had afterwards.

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