My Dream Keeper

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"Stop! Stop! I'll do it! I'll do it! Just let him go!" I screamed desperately, trying my hardest to shake free of the vice like grip on my arm, sure that I would see bruises once he let go of me.

"Do it first" A voice snarled in my ear, tightening the grip on my arm, making me whine involuntarily at the pain.

I dared to steal a glance at my coercer, gulping when I saw him already glaring at me. Almost like a warning, the gun pointed at my head dug a little deeper into my scalp, jolting me back to the harsh reality.

"I said do it" He hissed, his hot breath fanning my ear as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and jerked my head back.

"Okay okay" I mumbled, trying to get out of his grip once again. "You know you're gonna have to let go of me if you want me to finish your job, right?" I snapped.

Reluctantly, the boy let go of me, eyeing me suspiciously as if I might bolt any second. Of course, that had crossed my mind quite a few times but I was experienced quite a lot with this person to know my effort would be futile.

Crouching down slowly, I picked up the gun kept on the ground, inching my way towards a figure lying in the shadows of the alley.

My hands shook as I cocked the gun. "We haven't got all day y'know?" A voice snapped making me shudder.

"I know" I rolled my eyes as I hefted the gun as if it weighed tons.

The boy scoffed. "You've got some nerve to talk like that with a person who'll decide if you end up alive or dead after this."

I gulped, not registering his mocking words. "Might as well live my last moments in satisfaction then" I mumbled. I raised the gun with shaking hands aware of the boy's eager breathing on my neck.

Beads of sweat trickled down the side of my bloody face as I pressed my numb fingers against the trigger. One more shaky breath from the man cowering on the floor and........

"NO!" Jisung screamed, lurching upright from the warmth of his bed. Promptly, his legs got tangled amongst the sheets and he disbalanced, falling off the bed in shock.

"What the hell....." The unfortunate boy groaned, sitting up and rubbing the spot on his head which had gotten knocked into the bed post. Jisung sighed, feeling like his dreams were somehow confusing him more than ever.

Round face, sharp features, feline smile, a slight, maniacal glint in his mesmerizing eyes and a soft, lilting voice........

Pretty Boy. The one person Jisung would see every single day in his dreams without fail.

It was like the boy had grown up near Jisung, but never quite next to him. Like, Pretty Boy had seen everything going on in Jisung's life, while Jisung didn't even know if he existed or not.

"Damn Pretty Boy" Jisung mumbled, standing up and staggering into the bathroom, not bothering to fix his bed sheets. "You really know how to scare the living shits out of me"

8:29 am

"Fuck" Jisung mumbled as he checked the time on his watch, grabbing an apple from the counter as he zipped up his jacket hastily. Class was supposed to start at eight thirty and here he was, a minute before the bell for his first period would ring in school. "Fuck fuck fuck"

The boy ran out of the house, running a quick hand through his still messy hair as he raced towards the bus stop, praying that the bus hadn't left yet.

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