Catching Procrastination's Core

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What Procrastination Really Is?
Procrastination is a lot more than just a type of laziness. From the narrow view, it may seem laziness, but by looking at it broadly you'll reveal its extremely dangerous outcomes.
Because of laziness, you may have to face a bad day, or a little delay in work, but you'll surely come out of it in some time by taking a break from your work or by giving some space to the stuff. On the other hand, procrastination is abnormal laziness that can not be cured by giving space to something, in fact taking a break can make the situation even worse. It can make you lose from a day or two to tear down your complete career, ruin your life and leave you miserable.

How It Works?
Suppose you want to learn a new language, or you want to build biceps, or maybe you want to get better at writing, reading or programming. Let's go with the example of reading, you somehow got to watch a YouTube video of a reader telling you the benefits of reading and how to get better at it. And somewhere in your brain you imagined yourself in him and built some dreams in your head. As a result of that instant motivation, you ended up finding a playlist of the course or ordered a book to read. You promised yourself to complete that book and to start a new book as soon as possible.

About the Author.
Trying to complete chapter 1.
Feeling sleepy.
And then taking the longest break of a day or two. And coming back with the less energy as before.

Although you had decided to read that book daily, but ended up reading maybe for a few days.
And the book is removed from your head as if you never read it. And if the promise you made was never made.

The problem could be with that book. But there's something serious about it, if that's what happens with everything you do. And it's not your mistake. There's nothing to regret because you're not alone facing this situation. You'll come out of it once you understand the building blocks of habits, after catching the core of procrastination and finally ripping it off.

Let's not discuss the negative impacts of procrastination further, and begin encountering them from now on!
If you're reading this book already, you shouldn't be worried about it anymore because you're smoothly going to be introduced with the concepts. Understanding those concepts and applying them in your daily life will be far easier than you can even imagine.

What Is the Concept?
The secret behind it is that everything you'll come across in this book will be something you already know of, but have never cared about. You already know how to build habits, that's how you built your habits on the first hand, whether they're positive ones or negative ones.

We'll simply have an in-depth analysis of our problems and find their solutions by looking at the times when we actually found the solution to some thing. For example, if learning to drive the car looks impossible to us right now, we'll just think about the times when it was hard for us to even walk. We'll break down the situation and look at the process. And then we'll try to figure out the concepts that we unintentionally applied at that time. Applying those concepts to our new situation intentionally this time, will help us get same results as before.

Why You Always Fail?
Imagine you were having a barbeque, and suddenly the idea of becoming a millionaire popped up in your head, maybe because your friend told you some millionaire stories that got you motivated. Haven't moments like these already happened to you? What was the outcome, did you ever make it? Certainly no (except a few times). Why is that the decisions you make aren't accomplished that the time comes when you even become hopeless of yourself?
The answer is that you're afraid of the big chunk of problems that you've to encounter in case of becoming a millionaire. And that unobservable fear in your head stops you from taking any step.

How To Fight Procrastination?
The moment you had the thought of doing at least something in/with your life, procrastination made its first attack there. Instead of fighting whole procrastination at once, shouldn't we fight it by small changes that may not look bigger efforts to us but they start encountering the cancer of procrastination?

Many of the times we want to do something, but we end up not doing it because "we want to do it". We need to slightly change the sentence into, "I do it" instead of "I want to". Until you've got tomorrow in your head, you'll never be able to do anything, since you'll delay it till tomorrow, and logically tomorrow never comes, because today is yesterday's tomorrow and tomorrow is tomorrow's today. Let's go to the world of nostalgia. When you were learning to walk after crawling, you didn't have the word tomorrow in your dictionary, all you had was today.

Saying that you've to do the thing you want to do from today, it doesn't mean that you'll have to do everything in a day. That being said, you didn't start walking in a day. Pretty much you did on the first day of walking was just trying to stand on your feet by holding any support, and you may have failed doing it at first. Days passed, and you learnt to take the step, but you were still holding the support. And then the day came when you left the support for a moment, and suddenly held it again. You kept increasing the time of standing without holding any support. And one day you walked away from your support, trying to balance yourself. Getting better day by day and Wollah! In a year, you were found running here and there, back and forth without caring about anything.

By only caring about the first step at the time together with having a goal of achieving something in your head, you'll keep on taking steps towards your goal, moment by moment and day by day. Suppose you want to start a new startup of selling shoes online, you'll try to figure out the roadmap to be followed. At least a basic prototype. Now, either you rush your head with whole roadmap trying to achieve everything in a few hours of having the idea of that startup and fail miserably or you may take better approach by appreciating the roadmap or the basic idea you have, and focus on only first step in the starting and being consistent in it, finally, end up having successful business with the time or at least learn a lot for the next try. Even if you fail to do the business with the second approach, that failure will be a part of the process. 

Appreciating yourself and the information you've got by taking baby steps will help you fight procrastination a lot. One may ask, if someone is procrastinating a lot that he can not even take the baby steps, how can he ever appreciate himself? The answer to that is, the person needs to be easy to himself. Taking baby steps doesn't require results, if you're trying to do something, you're already taking baby steps towards your goal. Appreciate that and keep on going. 

If we try to summarize, we found out that the reason we procrastinate is that we think building a habit of something good is nearly impossible. And that's why we don't appreciate the baby steps we take, in fact we don't even consider them. Not considering those baby steps stops us from taking them anymore (the way we stopped reading that book and ended up doing nothing). And just because we stop taking those baby steps, we fail again. And the regret of failing keeps on increasing that the time comes when we start believing that the people who get success in their dreams are born differently. But naturally, we still want to have success. And after all those regrets and stuff, we just follow the loop of starting something and never taking them serious after a day or two. And that's how procrastination becomes stronger and stronger and our trust on ourselves become weaker and weaker. 

We will continue discussing and focusing on all these concepts. But keep in mind that everything we do should be balanced. We got introduced with appreciating ourselves and they benefiting us, but some people appreciate themselves more than they should, and that's why they're satisfied with very less and noneffective results. That being said, everyone of us should try to figure out own problems and (not try to but ) solve them. Just to remind you, this book is a dictionary to all the concepts. But you'll be the one who will take the pills as needed to do the remedy of yourself.

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