Chapter 9

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The next morning, sunlight poured onto her pelt through a crack in the roof. She took a moment to remember she was a warrior. That made her feel more comfortable with herself. She looked over to see that half of the warrior den was still asleep. Wolftail and her brother were gone. Scorchfur had often teased her that she had a knack for sleeping in late.

Wolftail. Her pelt warmed for a moment, but then quickly went cold as she remembered her interaction with Bloodnight last night. She must tell Redstar. Redstar would exile him. But Redstar had wrongly accused Swallowtail of murdering Eagleheart. Bloodnight must have killed him.

Her heart felt drenched in fear and as loud as the roar of a monster on a thunderpath.

She stepped out of the den and headed towards Rubyclaw, who was lying on a rock, letting the sunlight warm her white and gray fur.

Willowmoon walked over to Rubyclaw.

"Hello Willowmoon."

"Oh hi."

"Come on up here and talk to me. I'm bored."

Willowmoon jumped up onto the rock and laid down next to Rubyclaw.

Rubyclaw sighed. "I was going to go on the dawn patrol, but they left without me."

"I'm sorry."

"Ha! It's fine. Anyway, what about you?"
Willowmoon suddenly felt a tug to tell Rubyclaw about Bloodnight. But she couldn't do it. She didn't want her impulsive friend to get hurt.

"I'm just worried about all the missing cats." She let out.

"We all are. I feel bad for all the cats like Midnightstorm. She lost her blind kit." Rubyclaw continued. "I was playing with the rest of the kits this morning. They still think that Mudkit is on an adventure, except for Dreamkit who thinks he's not coming back and that its her fault. Poor thing."

Suddenly a jolt of realization hit Willowmoon. "Hang on." Rubyclaw looked at her with interest. "All the cats who are missing and dead, have a reason to be."

"What?" Rubyclaw looked shocked and confused, then angry. "You think that cats deserved to die?"

"No! That's not what I meant." Willowmoon took a deep breath. "Let's think of this from..." she couldn't tell Rubyclaw about Bloodnight. "A cat who wanted to be leader. A strong leader. With an ally. Eagleheart would have to die for this cat to become deputy. Once they were deputy, they would need allies, and cats who were suspicious about them, out of their way."

"So Eveningsea died to get... Silverpaw." Rubyclaw added thinking this through.

"Right. With both of Silverpaws parents gone, she feels as if she has no one. She would want to harm the clan. She would be an ally. Then Mudkit."

"He's blind."
"Yes. A blind cat would be easy to get rid of. Especially a kit. They would want strong, healthy cats."

"Then to become leader..." Rubyclaw started.

"They would need to get rid of Redstar."

Willowmoon looked back at her with terror, then launched herself off the rock and ran to Redstars den, Rubyclaw following.

She skidded to a halt in front of Redstars den.

"Redstar!" She yowled, hoping for an answer. "Redstar!" Still, no voice came.

The clan was starting to gather around near her. Silverpaw was peeking out of the apprentices den. Duskshadow ran up and tried to pull Willowmoon away. She could see the dawn patrol getting back, Wolftail in the lead, with Scorchfur and Petalfire behind him. They were dragging something into camp behind them.

"No, don't! Redstar!" She yowled.

Mosspoppy ran into Redstars den with a yowl. "She's gone!"

Willowpaw pulled away and raced into Redstars den.

There was blood covering the nest. Pawprints on the wall. On the back side of the den, smears of blood were wiped on the walls. Moss and feathers were scattered all over the den.

She ran out of the den and over to Wolftail who had started to walk up to the crowd. She buried her face into his fur.

"It's Redstar. She's gone."

Wolftail spoke softly. "So are Ravenlight and Slashfur."

Willowmoon lifted her head and looked past him. The things that they had been dragging into camp were the body's of Slashfur and Ravenlight.

Petalfir ran up to Slashfur's body and started yowling into the sky. Willowmoon felt a pang of guilt for her mentor and the two dead cats.

"They- they're dead. And Redstar is gone."

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