Chapter 13

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Willowmoon and Dreampaw crossed the border into SeaClan territory.

"Are we almost there?" Dreampaw whimpered. The apprentice was getting tired of walking.
"Not yet-"
"Hey!" A fluffy, Golden she-cat hopped out from behind a bush. She was the size of an apprentice. "What are you doing on SeaClan territory!"

"Marigoldhop. Don't... go running.... Off like.... That." Another cat said. He was a spotted brown tabby with a white underside. He pushed through the bush after Marigoldhop, panting.

"Come on Halfstripe!"

Halfstripe looked at Willowmoon and Dreampaw. "Who are you?"
"I'm Willowmoon. This is Dreampaw." She said, trying not to sound worried.

"I'm Halfstipe. I'm a medicine cat. This is Marigoldhop. What can we do for you?"
"We have recently... lost some clanmates." Willowmoon said.

"What a shame. We'll bring you to SeaClans camp. Salmonstar will talk to you there." Halfstripe replied.

When they reached the camp, a small, gray kit with bright yellow eyes, ran up to Marigoldhop.
Dreampaw looked shocked and said, "You have kits? Didn't you just become a warrior?"
Marigoldhop pulled the gray kit in close to her fluffy fur and glared at Dreampaw. Willowmoon glared at her apprentice too.
"Apolig-" She started.

"I did just become a warrior. But I found her, and no one would take her in." Marigoldhop said with a huff.

"Mama?" The gray kit said looking up at Marigoldhop.

"Yes, Clearkit?"

"I found a pretty shell!" The gray kit, Clearkit, pulled out a big, pink shell.
"Oh, it's beautiful! Put it in your nest."
"Thank you!" Clearkit smiled showing all of her teeth.

"Go find me some feathers!"

"Okay!" Clearkit scampered off, falling over, but getting back up again and running off.

"Marigoldhop." Halfstripe cut in. "They need to see Salmonstar."

"They can come with me." A long haired black and white she-cat walked up to them. "I'm Lakedrop, SeaClans deputy. I'll take you to Salmonstar. Halfstripe, Pinepelt wanted to see you. Something about not enough comfrey." She swung her gaze over to Marigoldhop. "Go get Clearkit. She's running around camp like an uncontrolled badger."
Both cats ran off in different directions.

"Come with me."

Salmonstar's den was comfy. There were feathers lining the sides of the den, and moss around the ceiling and floor.

"Welcome. How can SeaClan help you?" He said, welcoming them inside.

"We have recently lost some of our clanmates." Willowmoon started.

"We were wondering if you knew where any of them were,"Dreampaw added.

"Really anything leading to their current location."
Salmonstar looked surprised. He flicked his tail, looking deep in thought. Finally, he spoke.

"There have been a few smells coming from outside SeaClans territory."

Willowmoon jumped at this. "Can you show us? We need to find them soon." She was trying not to give too much away.

"My brother, Mudkit is missing. It's my fault he's gone." Dreampaw added in a small voice.
"No it's not." Willowmoon said in a whisper, trying to comfort the small apprentice.

"I will put together a patrol for you." Salmonstar pushed past them and onto a log that was resting on a large boulder.

"Let all cats old enough to swim gather beneath the talllog!" He shouted to the Clan.

The cats began to gather and Salmonstar explained what they were doing and the members of the patrol.

"Mousewatcher and Cougerfox!" Two toms walked up in front of the talllog. One was bright orange and the other was a spotted gray.

"Fernfire and Oddpaw!" A spotted tabby she-cat and a golden brown she-cat apprentice stood next to Mousewatcher and Cougerfox.

"This meeting is over!"

"We last scented MountainClan over here." Mousewatcher said, leading them over to a large river.

"This is the fishing river. All the best fish are here." Cougarfox added.

"Come on Oddpaw." Fernfire said to her apprentice, who was in a deep conversation with Dreampaw.

"You two are slowing us all down." Willowmoon added with a laugh.
Dreampaw and Oddpaw padded up to them. "Sorry!"

"Anyway," Mousewatched cut into the conversation. "The fishing river goes out of our territory. Follow it, and you might find more scent."
The cats followed the river but were not finding anything.

"Willowmoon." Dreampaw said in a hushed voice. "It's almost sun-down."

Willowmoon looked up at the sky. She was right. It was almost sun-down.

"Excuse me, Cougarfox?" Willowmoon said, walking up to him. "We need to get back to our home."
"Ok! Sorry you didn't find anything."

"No worries."

By the time they reached the meeting spot, it was past sun-down.
Wolftail ran up to her. "Willowmoon! Where were you! I, we, were so worried!"

"I'm sorry. I lost track of time, SeaClan found a scent."
"That's the best we've gotten. Rubyclaw isn't here yet with Sandpaw." Wolftail said.

Carrotpaw padded up to them. "We didn't find anything."

"Let's wait for them here. We'll practice fighting techniques." Willowmoon decided.


"Carrotpaw, spin! Now!" Wolftail shouted at his apprentice. Carrotpaw spun almost perfectly on time. "Nice job! That was great."

Dreampaw was struggling a little bit more. "I can't do it! It's too hard!"

"Yes you can. Let's try it tomorrow. Wolftail and I will show you both a new move."
She and Wolftail thought of a battle move and then tried to show it to the apprentices.

"So this is how you pin an opponent."

Wolftail turned towards her and she looked at him. In a flash, she jumped around him so he had no idea what was going on. Then she sprang up onto his back, pushing him down to the ground.

"You've gotten better at that one." Wolftail said, even though his voice was muffled.

"Haha. I have, haven't I." She got off Wolftail and turned towards the apprentices. "You try."
Dreampaw turned around like Wolftail had and faced Carrotpaw. Carrotpaw jumped around her, but the jump was off. He sprang up onto her back, but his paw slipped and he fell, Dreampaw was knocked off her paws and fell on top of him.
Wolftail and Willowmoon started to laugh. "Are you two okay?"
"Yup. My head kinda hurts though." Carrotpaw said from under Dreampaw.

They helped them get off each other when suddenly Rubyclaw and Sandpaw came crashing into the clearing.

"You won't believe who we found."

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