Chapter 20

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Something tickled her nose. She swatted it away without opening her eyes. "Hey!"
She opened her eyes to see Wolftail.
"What was that for?"

He laughed and they went up the tunnel.

"Good morning, Willowmoon, Wolftail." Deerhawk said.

They were eating prey when Willowmoon stood up, a thought struck her head.
"Is Swallowtail here?"

Deerhawk looked at her sadly. "No, she's with the Night Bloods. Sky Blood is her name I think."
"We're still going to get her back. She went there for shelter. Her loyalties must still lie with MountainClan.

"I should go look for her." Willowmoon glanced down at Wolftail. His eyes showed fear but determination.

"I'll come with you."

Wolftail looked at her annoyed. "Not this again. You keep trying to put yourself in front of everything. Let me come."

"I said no. This is a group of rogues we are talking about. Rogues kill. You're injured too."

"That's the point! You can't just walk in there! Like you said, they kill!"

She didn't want to fight with Wolftail. He doesn't understand!

"You don't know Swallowtail like I do! I'm going and you can't stop me!"

With that she grabbed her squirrel and ran out of the cave back into Stars Fall. She ran down the side of it, towards ForestClan.

I have to do this! I have to-

She skidded to a halt and a shadow loomed over her head.
A small, gray body of a kit. Eyes open, terrified. The body was pierced through with a sharp rock, sticking out of the ground.

This is Clearkit.

She knew that she should immediately bring the body back to SeaClan. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead she put a circle of rocks around the stone. She grabbed some flowers from a nearby bush and sprinkled them on the body.
I hope you made it to StarClan. Willowmoon hung her head. A breeze swept past her and she looked up. Everything was black, except for Clearkit's body. Then, the kit pulled herself up. She looked like a StarClan cat, a ghosty blue coat around her body. No stars shone on her pelt though.
"Hello? Mama?"

"Clearkit?" Willowmoon stumbled toward the kit but quickly realized she couldn't see her.
"Hello small one."

Willowmoon breathed in a gasp. An orange cat, definitely from StarClan, appeared.

"Who are you!" Clearkit gasped, jumping back.
"I'm Lightstar." The orange cat said sitting down in front of Clearkit.

"Are you from SeaClan?"
"I was leader before Salmonstar. I'm here to take you to StarClan."
"But- I'm not dead!" The little cat quieted as Lightstar touched her head and stars appeared on her pelt. "Can I say goodbye to mama first?"

"Of course."

The black opened up to the Medicine Den in the SeaClan camp. Willowmoon could see Marigoldhop lying down in a nest, her fluffy, golden tail draped over her nose. The young warrior hadn't been ready to be a mother.


Marigoldhops head shot up, there were tears in her eyes. When she saw Clearkit, stars on the kits pelt, her jaw dropped.
"Clearkit? Are you coming home?"
"No mama." Clearkit had small tears but wiped them away. "But I'm ok now. I don't hurt anymore!"

Clearkit nestled into Marigoldhop for one last time before Lightstar looked at Willowmoon straight in the eye.
"It's time for you to go." She said with a smile.
White suddenly pierced Willowmoons eyes, before she was dropped right at the edge of ForestClan territory. Back near the Clear Caves, which was where the moonstone was and the Night Bloods.

She was here.
"-And then I said 'Scar Blood, were starving!'"

"Stupid Scar Blood."

Willowmoon ducked behind a rock to see Song Blood and...

Swallowtail! Her gray mentor's yellow eyes darted along the sides of the cave.

"You know how I used to live in a clan?"
"Well yeah, then I found you. You were so angry!"

"Well, I was training an apprentice at the time. And... I smell her."

"You can't smell her from here." Song Blood's black fur ruffled as she raised an eyebrow at Swallowtail.

"You're right. I must just miss her. Song Blood, I think I want to go back to them."

"Sky Blood, what are you talking about!" Song Bloods fur instantly rose and her eyes showed desperation. "What about the cats here! What about me?"

No way does that rogue like my mentor.

"Song Blood, I'll just go back to them for a day. Redstar will be happy to see me. And Willowpaw. They all will. Maybe I'll do a border patrol and- and-"
"No, Sky Blood." Song Blood looked away. "Just go back to them. Don't come back here."
"I can't leave you here!"
"Yes you can. You have too."

Song Blood walked farther into the caves, ears drooping.
"Song Blood..."

Willowmoon chose this time to come out. "Swallowtail." She said. She couldn't stop a smile from creeping up on her face.

"Who are you and what do you want!" Swallowtail spun around, teeth bared, claws out. Then her face fell, and her jaw dropped.
"No way. Willowpaw?"

"Willowmoon." Willowmoon pushed her face into Swallowtail's side. "You can come home now! You can help us defeat Silverscreech! Oh Swallowtail-"
"Willowpaw. Moon. Stop. Get out now."

Swallowtail pulled Willowmoon away from her. Tears brimmed on both of the she-cats eyes.

"I can't go with you. My home is here now."

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