Chapter Two

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I opened my eyes, being met with white walls and white sheets. I still had my long skirt on, but my top was missing. I had a shirt on. A fucking t shirt at that. My abdomen felt a lot better than it did a few days ago, checking my watch. I assumed i had been asleep for a couple of days since the hand was pointing to 'S' instead of 'T'

I got up, buttoned up my suit top and checked for the money in my right pocket. It was still there. The bandage around my ribs was uncomfortable to say the least, it made it difficult to get air in and out of my system.

I walked to the desk and looked at the nurse who was filling out papers. She looked up at me with a smile.

"Can I help you?" She asked politely.

"I was in an accident days ago, I want to know what exactly happened." I told her, she nodded.

"You 're lucky. The bullet went right through you." She told me. Many have. "Your scar tissue prevented any internal damage, it seems like you've had a rough life." She told me. I grinned softly and smiled.

"Am I free to go?" I asked, grabbing my fedora with both hands now.

"Yes ma'am." She concluded, not even asking my name. How stupid of her. My passport was missing. Somebody took my passport. It was probably the men that were in the ambulance with me.

I walked out of the hospital, putting my fedora on and walking the streets with my head bowed. Even though I had been all over Europe, I couldn't really find my way around. It's not like New York or Texas where you could just ask around and find shit out.

When I came into contact with my house, two men were smoking a cigarette in front of my door. I didn't know them. One was tall and lean looking with wrinkles, the other looked young. They were wearing flat caps and three piece suits. They looked like gangsters.

I walked up to my front porch, looking at the two men.

"Can I help you?" I asked nicely, smiling as I unlocked my house.

"Yes you can, miss..." he had my passport. He was in the car with me.

"Abernathy." He concluded. I rolled my eyes.

"It's Cruz. Abernathy was my husband's name." I opened the door for the two, inviting them to my house. They looked at me funny and walked in.

"Alright, Ms. Cruz, we'd like you to come with us. We need to ask you some questions." They told me. I nodded.

"Do you mind if I clean myself up a bit? It won't be a long time." I asked politely. They looked shocked.

"Yes ma'am." The younger one said. I had just then realized how rude I was.

"I'm so sorry," I held out my hand for them to shake. "Private Octavia Cruz," I shook their hands. They raised their eyebrows.

"Arthur. This is John." The older one introduced me. I nodded and smiled, walking backwards slowly.

"Pleasure to meet you sir. I'll be right back. Please make yourself at home." I turned around and went up the stairs, quickly going to my closet and grabbing the pinstriped suit my unit provided for me before I got released. I only keep the Private title because it makes me sound like I have more power.

I fixed my hair so it was in a low bun, protecting most of my curls from whatever wind outside. My head was bumpy from the curls and bobby pins in my hair. I never liked the feeling of pins poking the back of my head. I secured the bun at the base of my head with an extra elastic and walked down the stairs within ten minutes.

"Where are you taking me exactly?" I asked as I got into their car, sitting on the passenger side beside John.

"You'll find out soon enough." Arthur said, continuing to drive. Something about this made me rethink the blade I had in my pocket.

EAGLE EYES // Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now