Chapter Fifteen

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I came out of my room, dressed in silk pants and an unbuttoned dress shirt while smoking one of Elio's cigarettes. I grabbed the photo's Thomas gave me yesterday and started the fire on the stove, putting bacon on the pan and looking at the photo. It was a photograph of Luca Changretta's cousin's wedding. There were about twenty men in the photo. I recognized about six

"Since when do you smoke?" Elio said, taking the cigarette out of the ashtray. I didn't answer him, i just flipped the page over and started sketching the face of Changretta's known hitman. He was the one I worked with. There's no doubt he's the one Changretta is sending on me.

"Fine, dont fucking answer me." Elio mumbled, getting coffee from the pot on the stove. I circled the six I knew, then wrote the name Harry Oldman on the sketch. I grabbed Elio's cigarette box out of his coat and lit another death stick from the flame of the stove. I didn't care that it dried my throat every time I inhaled it. It distracted me from the ongoing questions from yesterday.

I flipped the bacon as somebody pounded on the door, I didn't even bother to open it. It was 08:00 in the fucking morning. I want peace. I want to be alone. I want a fucking dog for christs sake. A dog wont fucking turn on you.

Elio scoffed as he went to the door, opening it.

"Mr. Shelby," he started out happy. "What can I do for you?" Elio asked politely. I looked over to the door, seeing his flat cap ass standing on my porch.

"Is your sister here, Elio?" he asked politely. Elio looked back at me, cooking bacon as he talked to my college. He turned back with a smile.

"She's here. Good luck talking to her." Elio opened the door for Thomas, a small smirk on my brother's face. I quickly folded up the picture and sketch and hid it in a drawer, masking it with grabbing a spatula and flipping the bacon. Thomas stood beside me, watching the food cook.

"There is a meeting later today at the hospital where Michael is staying." He took a sheet of paper and attempted to hand it to me, but i didn't even stick my hand out. He sighed, putting it on the counter. "Its at 10," he looked at me. I was focused on grabbing a towel and wrapping the bacon in it so it wouldn't be greasy. He didn't even cross my mind.

His eyes softened a little, making it seem like he actually cared. He didn't care. How could he care? He has lost so many people it would be stupid of him to care about such an addictive feeling like love. Love is something that never leaves you no matter how hard you try to make it go away. It's always there, wandering in the back of your mind, reminding you that it's not worth it.

"Tavi," He grabbed my shoulder, making me grab his wrist and turn it backwards, walking him to the door and slamming it in his face. I walked back to my food, preparing it on a plate and stuffed the address in my pocket. Thomas looked through my crocheted curtains, watching me write as I ate my food. This is the first time in a long time food has actually tasted good.

Elio looked at me at the table, seeing the state of mind I was in. I think it reminded him of when Miles Abernathy died. It reminded him of what I was like after he died. He only witnessed a week of it before I went back to texas to work with the drug lords.

Writing was something that always eased my mind. It didn't matter if it were an article of something stupid, it just always eased my mind. I was writing a paper about loyalty. It wasn't for anything, it was just something I kept in my safe.

Elio walked over to the safe, putting the combination in and grabbing bullets. He closed it harshly, making me scold him from the table. He rolled his eyes and dramatically sat down across from me. He was loading his bullets. How the fuck did he go through eight bullets within three days?

EAGLE EYES // Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now