Chapter Twenty Two

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"You're not going to tell me about what happened at the Garrison?" Thomas asked as I unbuttoned my shirt. It had started raining softly. I could hear every drop that hit the roof.

"Just some shit I did back in the states. Nothing important." I said as I pulled on night shorts. Thomas' eyes gazed every damn inch of my body as my back was faced to him. He watched as I folded my clothes and walked to him in a bra and shorts.

"It seemed pretty important if you saved over three hundred lives," Thomas handed me the paper, showing me a bolded sentence. I rolled my eyes.

"A couple of Japs wanted to bomb the base I was at because I fled their country back in 1923." I got beside him in bed. "I told them if they did that, their country would be demolished within a week. I guess I scared them off." I said, pulling the silk sheets over my legs.

"What base?" He asked me, putting out his cigarette.

"Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii. It's beautiful there. You should've seen it." I told him. He smiled faintly.

"I thought you were in the Army?" He questioned, looking at me up and down. He was resting his head on his palm while sitting on his elbow.

"I burnt my bridges with the Army. Plus the Navy has a better pilot crew. I was an instructor." I gave him a small smile as I kissed him.

A couple seconds later, my dog jumped onto his bed, making him pull away and look at me. Maverick curled up in a ball by Thomas' feet and put his head down. His eyes closed and he was asleep before we knew it.

"And you got a dog." He added, looking at me. I smiled, falling against the sheets and in his arms. "That Charlie absolutely adores."

"Mav has that effect on kids." I smiled as I gave him a quick kiss on the jaw. "I needed a dog to keep Me company. All the young ones were after me."

"Young ones?" Thomas asked.


He kissed me again, pulling me closer to him. I giggled into the kiss, resting my head on his chest. "I'm the only one after you now." Yes he was.

"Sleep well, Tavi." He groaned as he turned the lamp off and threw his arm over me.

"Yeah whatever." When did we actually sleep well?


The plane just kept decreasing. It was going down faster and faster. I was losing speed, losing confidence and quite literally going to lose my life if I don't figure out what the fuck is wrong with my plane.

I pulled the guide up, making the plane lean back at a 160 angle with the nose up. It kept me in the air and that was all that mattered.

I was almost to France. I could literally see the Eiffel Tower about twenty miles from me. I could also see the war going on below me. A world Fucking war. How exciting. How fucking embarrassing for humanity.

As I was about to angle my plane below, it blew up in sparks. An enemy plane had shot my aircraft and I'm now free fucking falling to my dead. I pulled my parachute out and started to land on the France battlefield. So I Fucking thought.

Changretta's men were there. All the people I've killed where there. Some of them were covered in blood. Some of them just had a red circle stain on their clothes.

Even John Shelby was there.

"Why didn't you warn me, huh?" He asked as I undid the parachute. "Aye? You knew!" He yelled at me. Tears were brimming my eyes. "You Fucking knew and didn't do anything about it!"

He raised a gun to my face and cocked it back, then pulled the trigger.

"No! Fuck! No!" I screamed as I sat up, pulling the covers off me and running my hands threw my hair. This was the beginning. This is god's punishment.

"Jesus Christ," Thomas sat up, pulling me into his chest. I moved away from him, still keeping my face in my hands. I was shaking. I was sweaty. It was like 1918 all fucking over again.

"Tom, stop touching me." I breathed out shakily. My head was in my hands, I was thinking. I was thinking about how I caused John Shelby's death.

"Tavi, I get them too. Just lie down." He told me. I shook my head as I started crying. My tears dropped onto the silk sheets and my bare knees. I was ashamed of who I was. I didn't want to do this shit anymore.

"Tavi, please." He tried to grab my shoulder, I just shrugged him off. He groaned. He left me alone for a minute, listening to the small sobs coming from my mouth. After a couple moments, he grabbed me from behind and forced me down, pulling the sheets over me.

I sobbed into his chest, trying to catch my breath each time a tear rolled down my cheek. He kept a firm hold on me, holding my face to his chest lightly.

"It was your fucking brother, Tom." I said shakily. He looked down at me, eyebrows furrowed.

"Arthur?" He asked. I shook my head.

"John." I mumbled, running my shaky fingers over his abs. "I fucking killed him, Tom. I should've known. I should have fucking known and he would still be here and Esme would still be here and-" he cut me off.

"You did not kill my brother, Octavia. Changretta did and you know it." He whispered into my ear. My whole body was shaking now, the one big light and thunder just made it worse.

I sharply inhaled, grabbing onto Thomas' shoulder. He turned to lay on his side, putting his arm around me and pulling my flush to his chest. Tears were still coming out of my eyes, falling onto the sheets.

"Is this why you take the drugs?" I asked him.

"Is what why I take the drugs?" He asked, lightly running his fingers through my hair.

"The war. Killing people. Losing people you love. Do the drugs take it away?" I asked. Now he was emotional. I felt him tighten his grip on me.

"I'll stop taking them." He kissed the top of my head. "Ill stop taking them if you go to sleep." he whispered, i nodded.

EAGLE EYES // Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now