Chapter Eighteen

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"Keep pressure on it." Odessa told me as she finished cleaning and bandaging the wound.

"Thank you, Odessa." I got off the stool and walked out of the bathroom while pulling a t- shirt over my head. I put my back against the couch, applying pressure to the back of it. Elio was cleaning his handguns.

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on?" he asked calmly.

"The less you know, the better." I said, adjusting my position on the couch. He was wearing a bloody shirt even though his wounds have healed for the most part.

"Elio." I mumbled.

"What?" he replied, looking straight at me.

"Tomorrow, i'm going to shoot Luca Changretta." I paused. "If you or Odessa leave this house in the next day, i will not fucking hesitate to shoot you. If you leave, that tells me that you are his spy."

"Octavia, what the fuck?" he asked me.

"You fucking heard me. Now get the hell out." I said, pulled a blanket over myself. He stomped out of the room and slammed his door, making me roll my eyes.

Fucking teenagers.


I sat on the top of the building, groaning as I lay flat on my stomach. I positioned my rifle down towards the buildings. I watched Changretta go through the doors after Thomas, holding the machine guns. What fucking losers.

I loaded two bullets into the gun, then attached my mag. I adjusted the sight to the closest position and waited for the right moment. It took a while.

I fired the first shot at a man shooting at Thomas. He looked up at me, then started running. I got the man running after him a few minutes later. His blood splattered on the cloth sheets that hung up. Poor woman. Who would want to sleep on those sheets now?

Before i knew it, i had a bullet go right through me by Luca Changretta. I don't even know how he managed to get a bullet through my stomach. Its not an easy target. He's always been on the luckier side.

The adrenaline stopped most of the pain seizing through my body. I loaded two more bullets into the rifle through gritted teeth and looked through the sight to find the last remaining man. Luca stood in the middle of the road, looking at the barrel that Thomas was hiding behind.

"You've got nothing, Thomas." Luca said, stepping closer. "I just put a bullet through your girl, ya know, the pretty one with white hair and blue eyes?"

I lined the shot up with his back, having the perfect target. I took a deep breath in, which made my face scrunch up, but nevertheless, I fired the shot. Changretta fell to his knees, holding his bloody stomach. I felt as if my entire body was shutting down. My vision was getting blurry, I was seeing black spots. I still shot my last bullet right through his fucking head.

Once I heard his body hit the ground, I turned over, holding my stomach as I began to cough up blood. There was a pool of blood surrounding me, but that didn't matter. Changretta couldn't fucking kill me. Anybody who could kill me was myself.

"Holy shit Tavi," Thomas whispered as he took the overcoat off my shoulders and tied it around my waist. He was out of breath, panting and had shaky hands.

"Is he dead?" i asked, wiping my mouth with my white sleeve. Thomas smile while picking me up and holding me like a fucking child. Not bridal style because of my shoulder, he held me like a fucking child.

"Dead." he whispered in my ear as he sat me in his car, beginning to drive abnormally fast. I coughed again into my hand, covering it in blood. I wiped it off on my overcoat and gasped at how tender the skin was. "Do not fucking mess with that. Youre already fucking dying." he told me while stopping the car dramatically. He pulled me out of the car once my vision had failed me.


"Dear lord, do not kill this girl, my brother is in love with her."

"Arthur shut the fuck up."

I opened my eyes, seeing Thomas holding my hand slightly and Arthur sitting in the corner with a whiskey bottle in his hands.

"What was that, Tom?" I asked through a raspy voice while sitting up. Arthur laughed while getting up and setting the whiskey beside the hospital bed.

"I knew you'd come through, little Tavi!" Arthur said while hitting my good shoulder with the back of his hand. I tried to laugh, but grabbed my stomach out of reflex because it hurt like a mother fucker. "Ill see you later." Arthur gave me a pat on the shoulder, then left. It left Thomas and I in the room together.

"You know what this means, Tom." I closed my eyes while swinging my feet over the edge of the bed. He looked down at me with a smile.

"What?" he asked as i stood up, a little wobbly at first.

"We can fuck now." I smiled as I brought him in for a kiss. He grabbed the back of my neck, deepening the kiss while smiling.

He pulled back, looking me in the eyes.

"As much as i'd absolutely love that right now, Tavi. I think we'd both enjoy it more if we didn't have to be as careful." He put his forehead against mine. I kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug.

"I didn't say now. I said we could." I kissed his neck, smiling as I hugged him. He held onto me lightly, careful on the wrapping around my stomach and shoulder. I saw the extra pair of clothes in the corner, which I gravitated to. I didn't particularly like being in a bra and underwear.

"I had Johnny Dogs get some clothes from your place. Your brother wasn't home, neither was Wilder. There was a note saying they took 9500 and went somewhere." he said as i got dressed in front of him. "I think you should take it easy for a few days. No jobs, no guns. Don't even carry them with you. Doc said you had scar tissue all around the bullet hole, that's why it didn't damage you at all." Thomas told me as I slipped the turtleneck over my head and tucked it into my pants.

"I'm going to get all my shit, then I'm going back to the Army. Or ill get myself a racehorse like you and run it in the Kentucky derby, make millions." I joked while pathetically lacing my boots. Thomas smiled, seeing me on my feet so quickly. I've been shot before. Its not a big fucking deal.

"Youre leaving?" he asked as i, once again, pathetically opened the door and began walking out.

"Do you not want me to?" I asked, looking at him. He was so different from me. He always walked with his hat covering his eyes, while I walked with my chin up and shoulders straight. Or as straight as I could get them.

"Tom, when I chose this way of life, I knew I could never really be happy with myself. I mean, when you're in the American Army, you don't really get to choose happiness or sadness. You just do what you're told and follow the rules." I looked over at him, he nodded.

"Will you come back? For Charlie's sake." He looked at me with glossy eyes. "He's been worried about you. He always asks about you."

"I can get out whenever I want, Tom. I may be wanted for treason, but i'll come back if you need me." We reached the doors of the hospital.

"But I do need you."

"You need somebody better than me. Ill be back. Tell Johnny thanks for the clothes, and that any of you are welcome to my gear at home." I said while turning towards him.

"Tavi," his voice broke.

I kissed him one last time, then i was back to the good ole Texas.

EAGLE EYES // Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now