Chapter Twenty

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A week later

"Dad!" I saw Charlie smile as he called his name. Charlie was smiling at me as he saw me riding up the hill to the wagon. "Dad, look! Tavi is back!"

Thomas looked at me, throwing his cigarette on the grass and walking to me. He got about two steps before I jumped on him, wrapping my arms so tightly around his neck I thought he was going to choke.

He spun me around, placing his hands underneath me to minimize the weight on his torso. He was smiling greatly when he looked at my face. It was one of the few smiles that actually made me think he loved me.

"I think you got even more beautiful." He said. I rolled my eyes as I kissed him softly, running my hands through his hair lightly. He set me down with our lips still connected. He was smiling so much, I think he would have wrinkles by the end of this.

I moved my hands from his shoulders to his torso, hugging him under his overcoat. He rested his head in the crook of my neck, kissing it slightly. It was something about his hugs that made me never want to let go. He made me just want to be with him all the time.

I looked about ten feet to the left and saw a horse in a grave. It was a beautiful gray filly who had excellent form. Thomas caught my sight of the horse. He took his arms out from around me and looked at it with me.

"She was uncontrollable. Dangerous." He told me. I nodded. "Charlie is pissed because I killed his horse. He's picked up more Romani from Johnny Dogs than I knew. He won't talk to me." He explained. I nodded again.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" My voice ran out for the first time in England since 1925. It felt good.

"He asked where you were for the longest time." He kissed my cheek. I smiled.

"I think I missed Charlie more than you." I teased, making him roll his eyes.


"Yeah. Who couldn't miss this face." I smiled while scrunching his face up a bit, making him smack my hand away. I giggled a bit while walking over to Charlie. He was smiling.

"How old are you now? 15?" I teased him, knowing he was just seven years old. 

"I'm seven." He told me. I nodded and smiled.

"You dad tells me you're mad at him. Why is that?" I asked. He poured a bit, relaxing his posture.

"All he does is kill people and kill horses! Johnny said so." He raised his voice a bit. I heard Thomas slap his pant leg out of annoyance, which I looked down and lightly touched Charlie's leg.

"That horse, she was your filly?" I asked, he nodded.

"Charlie, you're old enough to understand that your horse was in pain, yes?" He nodded. "The vet couldn't fix her pain. Would you like to be in pain every single day of your life, not being able to do anything about it?" I asked.

"I wouldn't want to be in pain." He said blankly.

"That's what your horse wanted, Charlie. Your filly don't want to be in pain anymore. She's up there-" I pointed to the sky, "watching over you with a big smile on her face. She's going to watch you grow up and be very proud of you." I told him. He nodded.

"What about the people dad kills? Are they in pain too?" He asked. I smiled.

"They put us in pain, Charlie. Your dad does it for you. Would you rather have a dad that kills people or no dad at all?" I asked. He sighed and looked down.

"I'd rather have a dad." I smiled.

"Good answer." I looked back at Thomas who was now smoking a cigarette. "I think you owe your father an apology." I smiled at him slightly. He nodded, getting up and walking to his father. He hugged his legs and mumbled an 'I'm sorry dad' to him. Thomas looked back at me, smiling.

I got on my horse, walking it beside the wagon which Thomas was on. He smiled, looking at my gelding.

"Why'd you get a quarter horse?" He asked me.

"I grew up with them in Louisiana and Texas." I explained to him, adjusting my reins.

"I never knew you liked horses. You should have told me." He said, looking at me with a smile.

"Why? So you could take me to a horse race?" I asked. He smiled and shook his head.

"I would've." He finished. He was like an open book waiting to be read with me. I knew him so well, I didn't even have to think about what he was going to say next.

I decided to wait a few minutes before bringing up what happened in New York. the Wall Street crash. It was going to start a new fucking war and everybody knew it.

"I'm assuming you've heard about New York?" I asked, he nodded while taking out a cigarette.

"I rather not talk about business when you just got here. Ill complain about it later." he explained to me. I nodded. Thomas was upset about it, obviously, but this time he was different. He was afraid of what was going to happen.

Thomas looked back to his kid, seeing him playing with my dog. Charlie was laughing while the fur scratched his face. Thomas never really experienced happiness like that. He never really got to be free. He never had control of his own fucking life.

"I've arranged a meeting Tomorrow at noon. I'd like you to be there." he looked over at me. "Unless you dont do this kind of work anymore."

"I do whatever work you ask me to do, Tom. As long as i don't get killed.'' I replied, straightening my back and looking ahead of me. "I thought you said you didn't want to discuss business?"

He sighed, inhaling his cigarette. "Sometimes I feel like business is all that I'm good for."

EAGLE EYES // Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now