Chapter Sixteen

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I sat at the table after everyone was in bed, cleaning my scope and adjusting it. It failed me, so it needed to be done. All I could think about was how disgusting I felt. I felt like a whore. Though whores fuck for money, i felt like i was one because i wanted it. It was stupid. I hate it.

"Dont you know better than to stay here all night?" Thomas asked from the doorway. I rolled my eyes and wiped the lens clean with a cloth and looked through it. I needed to wait until the morning so I could line it up.

"I don't have any clothes to sleep in. I'll leave in a bit." I mumbled as i loaded the gun, attaching the scope to the top. Thomas sighed, taking the gun out of my hands and placing it away from me.

"Odessa Wilder came here and gave Lizzie a bag with your things in it." He told me quietly. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm guessing you know her." He said, I nodded.

"Should've left her in America." I mumbled, getting up from the table and walking to his room quietly. The bag was sitting on top of the mattress, a pair of work clothes and the silk night clothes were in it. I scoffed.

"What a fucking asshole." I mumbled while taking out the silk pants and walking to the bathroom. I took the suit off and folded it neatly, leaving me in my bra and the black high waisted silk pants. It contrasted with my white bra. Fucking wonderful.

I walked out of the bathroom, putting the folded clothes into the bag and closing it. I put it by my shoes and overcoat.

The night sky was so pretty when it was clear. I remember being in a plane, waiting for a slumber to fall over me during the war. I landed at an airport and was too exhausted to go on. The stars kept me up.

Thomas came up behind me, trying to figure out what I was looking at. He took out a cigarette, which I took from his mouth. It wasn't lit, I just didn't want to smell smoke at the moment. He sighed, deciding to stand beside me other than behind me.

"The last time I saw a night like this, I was 18." I said quietly. Thomas looked at me, then up at the sky. "It was the night before i had to fly to France. I was laying out in the middle of the aircraft carrier, just looking up," I said, relaxing my shoulders. "I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen." I looked over at Thomas who was now shirtless. How fucking fun.

"What does it mean to you now?" he asked. I turned towards him, putting my arms around his neck and hugging him. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly as I put my mouth in the crook of his neck, breathing softly.

I thought about what he had said. It meant peace. I ran my hand through his hair, my nails skimming his neck. "Hmm?" he hummed, slowly leaning back and forth. I thought about what could happen if I actually began taking an interest in him. It would be bad for both of us.

I pulled away from him, putting a hand behind his neck and bringing his lips to mine. He kissed me softly, almost afraid of how our lips met. After a few moments, he deepened it knowing I was okay with it. He smiled as his hands went to my waist, pulling him closer to me.

I pulled away, still keeping my touch on him.

"I dont want to fuck." i said quietly. He nodded. "Not until this whole Changretta thing is over. I dont want people to know we are more than business partners.'' I said quickly, resting my head against his. He let out a small laugh.

The sound of his laughter was like the sound of heaven. It was the way his arms lazily rested on my shoulders and the way his lips were up in a tight smile as he looked at me. His face wasn't hollow and dark anymore. His eyes were brighter and more alive. His touch wasn't cold anymore.

"I wont fuck unless you want to. I wont fuck anyone else either. Just you." He mumbled against my lips, making me smile. Its the way his eyes lit up like the stars that made me want to just stay with him forever. It didn't matter what he looked like. I liked the way he talked, the way he worked. Having a pretty face was just a bonus.

He kissed me again lightly, closing more space between us. My palms rested on his collar bones. I felt like he was almost afraid to get closer to me. I gripped his shoulders and brought him closer, making him gasp. My tongue explored his mouth as he closed the remaining space and held my waist with calloused hands.

As I pulled away, I looked into his eyes. His pupils were dilated slightly, watching every movement I made.

"It reminds me of you." I answered his question, taking his hand and having him lay beside me on the bed. I got on top of him, resting my forearms on his chest. He was smiling.

"How does it remind you of me?" he asked, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I like it when you smile, but you don't do it very often." I said, curling my lips, making him laugh a bit.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded.

"I'll try to smile more. For you." he kissed my forehead softly. I giggled.

"Thank you." I got off him, resting my head against his upper arm. He turned the light off and laid on his side, wrapping his arms around me. "Tom?" I asked, looking up at him.


"Thank you for being honest with me. You're not an ass-kisser like most men." I said, he let out a short laugh.

"Ill always be honest with you." he said. I went to bed smiling for the first time since 1918.

EAGLE EYES // Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now