Chapter Seventeen

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I positioned my rifle on the roof of the building, aiming at the widow of the lady Arthur was going to see. I didn't know the girl, but she had bad intentions. Arthur and her son had a sporting accident a few years back. She wants revenge.

I followed Arthur through the scope and into the house. I had a clear shot on the lady. Thomas was in a building across from Arthur, keeping guard the same that I was. I didn't think anything was going to happen to him, but I looked over there every once in a while.

A few minutes later, I saw Arthur get up and flip the table away from the lady. Good. Nothing was happening yet, so I looked at the building Thomas was in. Two Italians were going in the back way. No fucking chance that Tom would see them coming.

As soon as the Italians came in the frame of the window, I shot the first one. The second man was trickier since he was on the ground. Thomas looked my direction, then began to exit the building.

He wasn't fast enough.

"I thought Thomas pissed you off?" I felt a cold blade to my neck, I stood up slowly with my hands up. Changretta kept a pistol pointed towards me as I faced him. His fedora was worn sideways. What a douchebag.

"If you kill me, Thomas will not stop until you're dead. You know that right?" I asked while slowly backing up towards my rifle. "He'll come to you in the night and kill you by a thousand cuts. Heard of it?" I back up even further, kicking my rifle off the building. Changretta looked confused.

"I've killed men that way, Octavia." He said, cocking his gun. Thomas would have picked up the rifle by now. I scoffed.

"'Course you have. You and your ways, Luca." I told him, backing against the edge of the roof.

"I liked how you said it the other night." he told me. I smiled.

"Course you did." I said. I swiftly kneeled down and grabbed the trip of the building, then broke the glass from the window below me. My stomach his the frame, causing me to groan out in pain. I coughed a few times before I heard the rifle go off and Changretta's footsteps coming down the stairs.

I looked at the smashed window and sighed.

"What i fucking do for you, Shelby."

My fingernails grasped the trimming of the window, heaving myself up and breaking the window below me. Lucky for me, my stomach hit the top frame and did a half flip onto the carpet. Children shrieked around me as I got up, wiping the glass off me and running out the door. Blood was dripping down my face from the glass as I made it outside, running to the nearest building.

I ran as fast as I could away from the building. Shots from Changretta fired behind me, but missing. I knocked on the jewelers door for about ten seconds before he opened it and pulled me inside.

"Now whaddya think your doin, knocking on my door all bloody n' shit?" Alfie's slurred accent fell behind me as I watched Changretta run past the house. "Huh? You get yourself involved with Tommy agin, didn't cha?" he said as I turned around, taking a few deep breaths. Alfie's eyes widened as he looked at me.

"What?" i asked, breathing heavily.

"Youre fuckin' shot it what." he tapped my shoulder with his cane, making my body seize with pain. "Youre a fuckin' mess, girl." he guided me to his kitchen

"Ill be fine, Alfie. I just need to lay here for about an hour." I told him. He laughed.

"You won't make it another ten minutes, you fucking dumbass." He said. I rolled my eyes. He tossed me a wet cloth for my face, which was basically covered in blood by the time I got through with it.

I took my overcoat off, along with unbuttoning my shirt halfway. I let the leather holsters fall to my knees as Alfie put on his glasses and looked at the wound.

"You have tough fucking skin, Octavia. The bullet is still in there, i'll cut it out." He said while taking out his knife and wiping it off on his pant leg. "Stay fucking still will ya?" he said while slowly putting his knife into my body. Blood ran down my body as he pulled the bullet out with his fingers, dropping it on the table and holding a rag up to my shoulder.

He came back with a bandage and wrapped it around the bloody hole in my shoulder. It was obvious he didn't know what the hell he was doing, but he was trying his best.

"Thank you." I told him as he sealed the end of the bandage. He scoffed.

"You ever say those fucking words to me again, ill smack the shit out of you." he pointed at me, turning around and grabbing a glass of rum. He handed it to me once my shirt was buttoned. "You would do the same for me," he looked me in the eyes. "If i was as fucking stupid as you. Now get out. Changretta's a half mile away by now." He said while making eye contact with me.

I gave him a quick grin as I put my overcoat on and held my shoulder. It hurts a lot more now. It began to get dark out, and its a hell of a walk back to fucking Small Heath in worn shoes and a bad shoulder.


I walked through the doors of the small office, meeting Lizzie, Thomas and Arthur at the table. Thomas stood up and looked at me with wide eyes, coming over to me. I bent down and unlaced my boots, taking them off and groaning as I picked them up off the ground.

"Where the fuck were you?" Lizzie was the first one to speak. I began to walk to Thomas' bedroom, throwing my shoes in there and coming back out to the table, setting the bottle of rum down.

"Soloman's." i replied, leaning against the back of a chair.

"How the fuck did you get to Alfie Solomans?" Arthur asked, taking the rum bottle and pouring himself a glass.

"I ran." I mumbled applying more pressure to my shoulder. "Changretta got the high ground against me, Thomas lost his chance to fucking shoot him." I mumbled, looking at Thomas then back down at the chair.

"There was one bullet, Tavi." Tom defended.

"There was also a bullet in my fucking shoulder with your name on it. Guess we both fucked up today." I pushed past him, going to the room we shared. I slammed the door, only for it to be opened again by Thomas.

I hung my overcoat up on the rack and undid the buttons of my vest. Thomas caught a glance of the half white-half bloodied shirt I was wearing.

"Turn around." I told him. He scoffed once again, walking closer to me.

"Tavi," he started.

"I didnt say come fucking closer did i?" I retorted. He obliged and turned his back to me as I changed. I put a turtleneck on to hide the bloody skin. It didn't really feel well on my skin, but who cares. I was going home for a cold shower anyway.

"Tavi, i need to clean that. Its going to get infected then you aren't going to be able to use your fucking arm." Thomas said with his back still facing me. I rolled my eyes.

"Odessa was a nurse assistant back in Queens, she can take care of it." I said while putting my overcoat back on. "I know how to do my own stitches, so don't you worry about it." I put my holsters on. "You've proved you are always before me."

He turned around, a hurt look on his face.

"This is not fucking fair." he told me.

"Nothing is fair, Tom. You could have killed Changretta today. You didn't. We both know if it really came down to the two of us, we would both save ourselves and live without each other." I said as I walked past him and out the door. Arthur and Lizzie watched me lace up my boots and leave the building while Tom was sulking in his room.

EAGLE EYES // Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now