Chapter 3: The New Ozai Society

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Katara's POV

"Katara! Katara!" Aang yelled. I couldn't breathe or move, I was stuck under a pile of rocks. All I could sense was my hearring. "Katara!" Sokka yelled. I managed to shriek, "I'm here. I'm ok," I then quickly felt the rocks come off of me looking to see Aang and Toph bend me out. I gasped for air. "Sweetie are you ok?" Aang asked, looking worried. "I'm alright," I smiled back. Boom! Another explosion, this time Toph was able to bend a tent keeping Aang, Sokka, Zuko, and I safe. I quickly opened my water pouch preparing for a fight. When Toph opened the tent back up I could see at least 100 fire benders wearing all black, covering their faces and 10 huge war balloons in the sky. I then quickly started to fight them. I started dodging and blocking their attacks, bending them quickly so they couldn't move. I created some octopus arms slamming some of them against a wall making them unconscious. I then ran and saw a huge stream, and started to bend the water there. Within a few seconds I had managed to beat at least 50 of them but they just kept on coming. "Aang fly up and stop those war balloons! Make sure that they don't keep coming down!" I yelled at Aang. He nodded, grabbing this glider and flew up. While I was fighting some more fire benders I noticed a huge wooden cage being brought down. Whatever it was, it can't be good. "Katara look out!" Sokka screamed. I saw a man preparing lightning, I quickly splashed some water on him, freezing him until he could no longer move. I looked around and saw that everyone was holding their own against these fire benders and that Aang was able to knock out one ship. All of a sudden lightning came falling out of the sky hitting Aang's glider. "Aang!" He was falling. I made a huge water tower catching him in the air, knocking out some attackers on the way. "Aang are you okay?!" "I'm fine Katara." I looked at him crunching his stomach, the lightning hit his left side. Thank goodness it wasn't too major. I quickly tried to multi-task healing Aang's wound and fighting the benders at the same time,  but more lighting came. Zuko quickly jumped in front of Sokka, redirecting it and Aang did the same for me, but Toph's feet were hit. "Ow!" She shrieked. "I can't see a thing!" I quickly rushed over to Toph to heal her feet but two fire benders beat me there. "No!" I yelled pushing them far away with my water, but more just kept on coming grabbing onto Toph. I quickly wrapped water around her ankle pulling her back and she then earth bend the guys making him fall onto the ground. Quickly afterwards some ropes were being thrown onto us, I swiftly sliced the ropes in half, but they got Toph dragging her into that wooden cage. I tried running to her rescue but there were just too many of them. I tried fighting them as fast as I could but it was going to take forever to reach Toph. "I need back up now! Toph's been kidnapped." Zuko and Sokka couldn't come, now barely holding their own against the fire benders. Aang entered the Avatar state flying up to save Toph. "Retreat!" One of the attackers yelled. "LONG LIVE THE NEW OZAI SOCIETY!" The fire benders yelled in unison, grabbing onto the ropes dropped from the war balloons repealing themselves into the sky. Aang almost got a hold of Toph destroying 3 ships in the way but more lighting was shot. He redirected it, continuing to block their attacks. But by the time he was done with them Toph was no wear to be seen.

"Toph!" I yelled trying to follow the balloons as best as I could. But the fire benders were repelling them away too fast and I couldn't keep up. The balloons went into the horizon and were no longer in sight.

Sokka's POV

"Zuko, Aang go help the pedestrians," I said. Zuko nodded, his face full of horror. "Zuko," I whispered, grabbing onto his shoulder. "This isn't your fault." He looked like he was going to cry. "It is." He pulled away and walked towards the now destroyed festival trying to help the scared victims.

"Aaaah, Aaah!" I quickly turned around to see Katara sobbing on the ground, tears falling out of her eyes so fast. "Sweetie!" Aang yelled, pulling her in his arms. "Aang, I got this. You need to help others. They are going to need their Avatar." Aang was now crying and whispering to Katara that everything will be fine. "No, I can't... Katara needs me." Katara continued to cry, but she eventually managed to squeak out a whisper. "Aang please go help the others... please." I wanted to yell, throw up, and cry. But I couldn't. I needed to stay strong for everyone. "Aang, I'll help Katara, you need to help the others." He slowly nodded, he squeezed Katara kissing her cheek before letting go. "I tried Sokka, I really tried But I couldn't." Katara was now sobbing into my arms. I hated seeing my little sister like this. "Toph is going to be alright, you hear me. I promise Toph will be alright." I paused, not sure what to say. Words were never my strong suit. I squeezed Katara a little harder. "But right now we need to focus on how to save her. We need to find evidence and make a plan. Katara, they aren't going to hurt her." "It's all my fault. I couldn't hold them off, there were just too many of them!" She cried. "I know, I know. But it's not your fault," I whispered. "I love you Katara." I told her. I couldn't even remember the last time I told her that. My entire life Katara has been the one looking out for me, protecting me. I owe her the world. She stopped crying for a second looking up at me. "I love you too, Sokka." I smiled, holding on to her afraid to let go as she cried.

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