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(The picture above is what your adult dragon form looks like)

~~ Your POV ~~

I'm sitting in the sun in my human form, just enjoying it. It was really quite for the most part. There was a few sounds on the other side of the island, but nothing too concerning. That's when I heard a noise before I could even smell the creature that it came from. Although, I didn't have to smell the creature to know what, or rather who, the noise came from. 'Acnologia!' I quickly looked around to see that he was on the other side of the island, obviously "playing" with something. I then saw he was grappling with a giant. Literally! That's when I made a break for the giant. I knew he wasn't gonna be a match for Acnologia. Knowing I wasn't gonna reach them in time by running, I decided to risk it and shifted into my adult dragon form, though I was still a bit smaller then the black and blue dragon. Letting a fierce roar into the air, I charged and body slammed Acnologia.

"Stupid dragon! Don't get in my way!!" He practically growled the words at me.

"Oh yeah? Look who's talking. The last time I checked, you were a dragon too!" I screeched at him. He raised a claw at me, holding a black orb of dark magic. Before I can even react, he shoots straight for me and I get knocked back into the middle of the island, where the last thing that I remember, is that Acnologia got hit by a massive amount of energy. 'Run..... While you still can.... No one can beat him.' Then unconsciousness takes me.

Dragon Bound (Laxus x Dragon Shifter! reader)Where stories live. Discover now