Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to FullMoon1014. Holly crap guys! 54 reads in 4 days? To be honest, I really didn't think I would get there so soon!

~~ your POV ~~

It was now three days until the Grand Magic Games, an team Natsu had yet to return. Even so, Makarov entered two teams in to try and pass into the Grand Magic Games. Team A is Natsu, Lucy, Grey, Wendy, and Erza. Team B is Mistogan(A/N: Sorry if I misspelled his name.), Juvia, Gajeel, Laxus, and me. Though we knew about team A, team A won't know about us. And in order to keep it that way, team B was planed to leave for Courus today.(A/N: Again, sorry if I misspelled this. Please correct me so I can fix any errors.) The first day we got there, I kinda freaked out. I'm not used to big crouds like this. It got really bad, to the point that I wouldn't leave Laxus' side. Hey, if your stuck in a croud, might as well be next to some one you know. We were staying at a really small inn, but it wasn't to far from a inn that would be able to hold all of the guild members once they got here. Some members were ariving at the inn now, while others would arrive the day team Natsu would arrive.

~~*~~ Time skip to the night of the Grand Magic Games qualification round ~~*~~

~~ Your POV ~~

For what ever odd reason, the teams that were to participate in the Games had to be back at their inns by midnight. It was now 11:50, and Warren told us that Wendy was missing so the free guild members went to go look for her. And if they couldn't find her, Elfman would take her place. We figured that something was planned at 12 and that's the reason they wanted participating members in their inns by then. I was pacing back and forth with my tail whipping back and forth at the same time. I was impatient and there for couldn't sit still. I glanced at the cloak and it read 11:56.

"(Y/N), calm down. We only have to wait four more minutes." Laxus said from his spot on one of the beds.

"But I can't calm down." I said.

"Then at least sit down."

"Let shorty do what she wants." Gajeel said while leaning up against the wall.

"OI!! I'M NOT SHORT! YOU'RE JUST TOO TALL!!" I yelled at him. All off the sudden, the inn stared to rise into the air. Once it stopped, I looked out of the window to see the other inns had been raised as well. In the center of all the inns was a mass ball that resembled a tangled up ball of yarn with the way the paths were layed. Then it acted like a giant screen.

~~*~~ Time skip cause I'm really bad at details ~~*~~

~~ Your POV ~~
We had made it to the end of the labyrinth, and found out we were the second team to make it. We were then teleported back to our in where a hologram told us we would need to rest up for the actual Games in a few hours. We got a report saying that Wendy and Carla were found, but Wendy wasn't going to be able to participate, at least not for the first few days.

~~*~~ Time skip again cause I don't think you want to read about Gajeel's snoring habits ~~*~~

~~ Laxus' POV ~~

We now just standing in a tunnel, waiting to which other teams made it into the Games. Fairy Tail team A was in 8th place, and the got booed. Look like we really are a now hated guild.

"I'm surprised salamander actually made it into the Games at all." Metal face said while (Y/N) just glared at him. Even though she's trying to be scary, the only thing that its doing for her, is making her look cute. 'Wait, did I just really think that?! I need to pull my self together. Now is not the time. To.. Think about..... (Y/N)........... DAMN IT!! I'M DOING IT AGAIN!!' I was able to catch what teams made it in, and what places they were in. In 7th place was a guild named Quattro Cerberus. In 6th was Mermaid Heel. 5th was Blue Pegasus, 4th was Limea Scale. 3rd was Raven Tail. 'Wait, Raven Tail? My deadbeat dad is here? Great. Just great. Knowing him, his guild is probably the one who attacked Wendy.'

~~ Your POV ~~

It was our turn to enter the arena. Everyone was shocked to say he least. But what surprised me, was where the guild members that weren't competing was, sitting on the ledge was....

"Mavis? But how?" I whispered to myself.

"You say something?" Laxus asked.

"Huh? Oh. Look over there." I pointed over the where Mavis was sitting. She smiled and waved while Laxus and I were compleatly mind boggled. That's when the the announcers explained why we had two teams. Makarov laughed like crazy, while Natsu didn't like this one bit. He ended up getting in Gajeel's face and said that as long as we were in different teams, he would treat us like enemy's during the Games. Gajeel just said that he wouldn't like it any other way. Then the team in first place was announced. I wasn't surprised when it was Sabertooth, when they were said to have dominated at the Grand Magic Games. Once the croud settled down, we were told to pick a member of the team to participate in the first event.

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