chapter 10

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Guys! I'm so sorry! I said I would update this story 2-3 weeks ago, and I didn't. I'm such a bad author. I hope you can forgive me. So, without further delay, I present to you, Chapter 10!

~*~ Your POV ~*~

Laxus and I were interrupted why Warren slammed the door open.

"They've taken Lucy!" He shouted.

"Who took Lucy?" I replied before Laxus could.

"The royal soldiers!"

"What?!" I yelled back.

"Why would they do that?" Laxus calmly asked.

"I don't know, but we're having a guild meeting."

"Well, what are we standing here for?!" I waved my hands around, then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/n), calm down. I'm sure we'll find a way to get her back." Laxus said while looking at me.

~~ Time skip! ~~

Your POV

We had decided to send Mira, Natsu, and Wendy, along with Lily, Carla, and Happy, out on a mission to get Lucy back. In the mean time, our team got some new members. They consisted of Gajeel, Grey, Erza, Laxus, and finally, me. And today was the last day of the GMG. There were no events, or 1v1, or even 2v2 matches. No, it was every guild versus eachother. Our battle field, the entire city of Corcus. 4 guild members are each worth 1 point, while the fifth member was the leader, and worth 5 points. All guild groups were in position for the final round to start.

"Are you guys ready?" Erza asked.

"I suppose." Came Gajeel's response, while Grey and Laxus both nodded.

"What about you?" Erza addressed me.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I think."

"Everyone remember the plan?" Erza asked once again, and everyone, including me, nodded. We heard the countdown, and when the countdown hit zero, we just stood where we were with our eyes closed, while all of the other teams moved. After about 15 minutes, we put our plan into action. The plan was made by none other then Mavis, and as she planed, we were raking in points at an unbelievable rate. Grey had a rematch with Rufus, and one. Erza had a 1v1v1 match with Minerva and Kagura, and won. Then Laxus and I got in a 2v1v1 match against Jura and Ogra. Jura knocked Ogra out with no difficulty what so ever.

"(Y/n), go. I got this. And besides, this isn't where you're supposed to be." Laxus stood in front of me, protecting me.

"What about you?" I asked, not wanting to leave.

"I'll be fine. I promise." He looked over his shoulder and smiled. I gave in and took off in the direction I was supposed to be at, but not before wishing Laxus good luck. Minutes later, Gajeel and Rouge were facing against each other, and Shellia and I were about to go head to head. In the end, Laxus, Gajeel, and I, all won our fights. Now there was just one person left. Sting. And he was at the center of the city, wanting us to go to him. The five of us got there, battered and bruised, but none the less, still standing and willing to fight. Sting said something about being stronger after losing Lector, and surrounded himself in his magic, but we refused to move. In the end, Sting fell to his knees by himself, and surrendered. Meaning Fairy Tail won. All of the sudden Millianna showed up holding something in her arms, and it turned out to be Lector. I felt happy for Sting to have been able to get his Exceed and friend back. We were all walking back to our inn, before I got pulled aside by Laxus.

"Huh? Laxus, what's wrong?" I looked up at him, worried.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say that you did amazing today." He smiled, but looked like he was contemplating something.

"Me? How about you? You beat Jura! If any one was amazing, it would be you." I pouted, earning a slight chuckle from him.

"Sure sure. What ever you say." He lifted my chin up, and did something I never expected. He kissed me. It was a soft and tender kiss, not at all what I had expected. But as soon as it had happened, it was over.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what I was thinking." He just rambled on while looking slightly flustered. And I couldn't help, but to smile. I pulled his face down to my level, and kissed him like how he had kissed me. He kissed back while wrapping his arms around me, then ended our kiss.

"So, I take it you're not mad at me for doing that." He smiled, and I smiled back.

"Nope. So... what dose that make us. I know I don't really understand human, customs, but I know that is something friends don't do." I looked up at him curiously.

"Well, that makes it either a mistake, or..... it means we could start dating." He looked down at me seriously, waiting for my answer.

"Well, it definitely wasn't a mistake. And I like the sound of the two of use dating, though I have no clue what it is."

"Don't worry about that. I'll take you on one tommarow, and we can see if you truly still like the idea of dating."

"Ok!" I smiled, and was excited for tommarow.

But what I never saw coming, was that there might not be a tommarow.

Chapter 10 is finally done! Woo hoo! I hoped you guys enjoyed this, and don't feel the urge to kill me. Thanks for reading, and until next time my fellow Fairy Tail-ers. Bye!!

~~Annala (Chibi-chan)

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