Chapter 8

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Hey guys. So I have a crap ton of Fairy Tail fanfic book ideas that I really want to do, but instead of having a million books up, I decided to create a book that holds all of those ideas. I would like it if you read them, and then told me which ideas I should and shouldn't do in the future. The reason for this is because I don't want to make a book, and not have anyone read it because no one likes the idea. I do need help deciding which stories to write. That's all I wanted to say. So(finally) here is chapter 8.

~~ Your POV ~~

Today was the 3rd day of the grand magic games. I decided to participated for team B. Today's challenge was to face off against monsters. Each participating member would take turns choosing how many monsters out of a total of 100, and try and defeat their chosen amounts of monsters. The monsters do range in difficulty that are randomly chosen. Erza being first to chose, decided to face of against all 100 of them. And amazingly, she beat all of them. Since there were now no longer any monsters left to fight, a lacrima that is used to measure magic power from an attack, was brought out.

"What are we suppose to do with that?" I asked.

"My guess is that they are gonna measure our magic power and give us a rank based off of that." Hibiki said. And it was just as he said.

Millianna of Mermaid Heel was first to try it out and got 365.

Novali of Quattro Puppy got 124.

Hibiki of Blue Pegasus got 95.

Obra of Raven Tail got 4 because his little pet hit it.

Olga from Sabertooth got 3825.

Jura from Lamia Scale got 8544.

And lastly, there's me. And since we could go all out, that's what I did.

"GO (Y/N)!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!" I heard Fairy Tail's cheer section yell. I went and stood about 30 feet away from the lacrima, and concitrated. During my 3 months of training, I may have learned some special moves.

"Water dragon's secret art; OBLITERATING JUDGEMENT!!!!!" I yelled and hit the lacrima with a swirling water torpedo. Once the blast cleared, the lacrima was no more and the announcers said that I had maxed it out at over 9999. I got stares from a lot of people but I didn't care. My tail was twitching happily behind me.

"She's a dragon salyer!?" "Are all dragon slayers that strong!?" "Just how strong is Fairy Tail?" "They sure have powerful guild members." I heard these and a few more comments from the audience. I headed back to my team's box.

"You did good." Laxus chuckeled as he patted my head and I tried to swat his hand away.

"Holly crap girl! Remind me not to piss you off!" Cana exclaimed while Gajeel nodded.

"You could be an S-class wizard in no time." Mira smiled. I just laughed nervously and turned my attention so I could see the 1v1 matches that was about to be announced. First match is Millianna from Mirmade Heel vs. Semus from Quattro Puppy.
Millianna won. Next was Sabertooth's Rufus vs. Eve from Blue Pegasus. Rufus won. Now was Raven Tail's Alexei vs. Laxus from team B. This was a battle I didn't want to miss. I watched as the two were walking twords each other and Laxus was saying something until he got punched by Alexei.
Alexei was laying a bunch of hits on Laxus, but I could sense that they both weren't using very much magic energy. Even when Laxus had a good line of attacks going before Alexei broke his hitting streak. I was suspicious about the whole fight, so I used my dragon's sight. I gasped.

"What's wrong?" Gajeel asked.

"You mean despite the fact that Laxus is losing?" Cana snapped.

"Guys, let (Y/n) talk!" Mira said.

"Their whole fight is fake. Its an illusion. The real fight is between Laxus and the entire Raven Tail guild!" I looked worriedly at them.

"Quick! Got to the announcers! Let Laharl know about it." Mira said as she ran off to tell the master. I quickly ran all the way to the announcers booth, but got stopped by guards.

"What business do you have up here girl." One of them asked.

"I have proof that Raven Tail is cheating!"

"How do we know its not a lie. You are from Fairy Tail, and we know that Fairy Tail doesn't get along with Raven Tail."

"You have to believe me!" I shouted.

"What's all the noise about?" Laharl asked.

"The girl claims that she has proof that Raven Tail is cheating." One often guards laughed and I growled while my tail flicked back and fourth in anger.

"Release her. Now tell me what you know." He said as I was unhanded.

"Raven Tail is using an illusion while the real Laxus is fighting all of the Raven Tail members." He went and looked back at the match. I looked in time to see the illusion was fading to reveal Laxus standing there while Raven Tail was passed out on the ground. I quickly ran back to my team's box and heard the announcers say that Alexei was actaly Ivan, which I knew was Laxus' father and Raven Tail's guild master. Raven Tail was cuffed and pushed out of the arena. They were disqualified and forbidden to enter in the Games for 3 years. Laxus came back up to the box, a little cut up, but otherwise fine.

"Jeez! You had me worried!" I said as I hugged him. Even though he was fine, I felt the need to hug him, to make sure that he truly was alright.

"What? You were worried about me?" He asked as he lightly put his arms around me.

"And what if I was?" I looked away and pouted.

"Well I'm happy that you cared." He said and placed a small kiss on my cheek. I freaked out by what he did and hid in a corner, blushing at least 50 shades of red. I could hear Gajeel fake hurling, Cana was cheering, Mira was saying something about a ship, and Laxus was chuckling. After a few minutes, I heard Chelia from Lamia Scale vs. Wendy from team A, fighting. In the end, the fight ended in a draw.

In 1st place was Sabertooth, with 34 points.

2nd was Mermaid Heel, with 32.

3rd was Lamia Scale, with 31.

4th was Fairy Tail team B, with 30.

5th was Fairy Tail team A, with 27.

6th was Blue Pegasus, with 18.

7th place was Quattro Puppy, with 14 points.

Raven Tail of course, was eliminated.

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