Chapter 1- You

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I had an idea for a fanfic one night on a walk so here it is. Also sometimes I write with a computer so apologies if any of the paragraphs are too long. English is not my first language so please excuse any spelling mistakes but please let me know of any major errors, I don't proof read.

I'm just gonna tell you in case you miraculously can't figure it out but the name on the chapter title is whoever's POV the chapter will be in.

I also feel the need to say that if ANY OF YOU refer to me as Author-chan, Author-sama, Author-kun, or any other Japanese honorifics I need you CRINGY. ASS. MFS. TO SHUT TF UP. I will not stand for that BULLSHIT cuz I know damn well most of y'all ain't Japanese and are just saying this crap because you think it's 'cute'.
That is all.


"Hurry up Jean, they're gonna catch us!" I yell to the boy running behind me, not sparing a second to look back. 
"I'm trying! slow down!" he calls back, his footsteps getting louder as he forces himself to run faster. The silver wrist watch, along with the gold ring I stole jangle in my pocket as I run through the streets, dodging people and vendors. Jean catches up to me, red faced and breathing hard.

"Down there." I point to an alleyway that branches into two seperate paths. He nods and follows me, I make a sharp left turn and duck under a low hanging tree branch, a loud crash comes from behind us, the shop owners we stole from running after us.
"Shit really!? How'd they see us?" I call out.  

"Get back here!" the older one yells at us. 
Yeah like that's gonna work
I roll my eyes, continuing to run at full speed. 
"Y'know what, this ain't so hard now that I can't feel my lungs anymore." Jean pants beside me.
I chuckle in between breaths, jumping over scattered boxes that fell off a larger pile stacked against the wall of a plant shop.

I point upward at a flagpole a few meters ahead that's advertising a new shop opening. 
"It's low enough that if we jump off that wall we can grab it and swing to that roof!" I say, nodding my head towards a small building.
"What! That's how we're gonna die! Frankly I'd rather get caught!" Jean yells. 

"How are you gonna make the MP's if you don't take risks?" I urge. He contemplates for a moment.

"One of these days, that question is gonna make me stop doing stupid shit!" He groans as he follows me towards the pole.
"Not likely."
I don't even need to look back to know he's rolling his eyes at me. 

I rush through the surrounding people and jump as high as I can, pushing myself off a brick wall with one leg and grabbing hold of the flagpole. I start swinging until I get good enough height and let go, flying through the air. I hold out my arms in front of me to protect myself as I land on the roof with a loud thud, my shoulder gets the worst of it but a little ice and it should be fine.

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