-Special- You

384 18 64

Flashback chapter because I have writers block already!


Y/N age 8
-seven years ago, the underground part 1-





The training dummy my dad set up echoes loudly with every hit. I punch it in the face, directing all my force where it's nose would be.


I drive a hard kick towards it's torso, using my heel to dig into it's sternum. It fly's backward, knocking into the floor and bouncing back up. I quickly jump up, landing two more to it's chin and forehead.


I move to a crouching position and lunge under it, sweeping my leg down below and pushing its torso down at the same time, forcing it to fall backwards. I grab hold of it's arm while my other leg pins it down right at the neck. If it were a real person I'd be choking them right now. I count to ten and let go of the dummy, jumping back up.
"Did you see that dad? I'm getting so much better!" I exclaim, turning to face the man leaning against the wall. He watches me train with intent, sipping black tea.

"You bet you are! That kick was impressive, you've got a lot of strength." he tells me, setting his teacup down.
"One day, I'm going to be a strong as you!" I brag.
"Oh yeah? C'mere kiddo let's see those muscles." he grins at me. I run up to him and stand as tall as I can, flexing my biceps.
"Wow, there's some serious definition there." he marvels.
"I told you." I smile smugly.

"Yes you did." he agrees, picking me up and spinning me around. He tickles me by pinching my sides lightly, I giggle as I try to push him off.
"Dad! Stop it tickles!" I laugh, squirming in his arms. He laughs with me, his expression amused and playful. He plants a kiss on my cheek before putting me back down.
"Ewww gross." I rub off the kiss.
"Rub it off and you get two more." he warns, holding up two fingers.

"Don't torment the kid Levi." Farlan chuckles from the doorway, entering the room and hanging up his coat.
"Yeah." I agree, sticking out my tongue at him.
He shoots me a look. "Remember what I said."
"Ah, no!" I shriek, covering my face with my hands. He laughs, ruffling my hair with his hand.

"Where's Isabel?" he asks Farlan.
"Right here!" a girl's voice shouts. Moments later a red headed girl with pigtails comes through the doorway, soaking wet and carrying a bag. She kicks the door closed behind her.

She takes a quick look at the room. "Why is everything moved around?" she asks. Farlan shrugs.
"Ask Levi." he answers.
"We had to make some room so Y/n could train." My dad says, patting me on the head.
"We'll move everything back though, won't we?" he asks, moving my hair out of my face.
"Yep! I'm strong remember?" I say, smiling up at him. He grins in response.

He nods at Isabel. "Why are you soaked? Also, stop soaking my floor."
She rolls her eyes. "It started raining when we were on the surface and someone, not naming names, took my coat even though it was too small for him and left me with the food. So I hope you all enjoy soggy vegetables."
My nose turns up in disgust at the word 'vegetables'.
Farlan gives a guilty look as she carries the bag over to the counter and starts unloading the food.

"How'd you manage to take this much stuff without getting caught?" My dad asks Isabel, a suspicious look on his face.
"Believe it or not I paid for it. With...money I stole, but that doesn't matter." she waves her hand, brushing off her own words. He sighs.
"Seriously, what have I told you?" he asks sharply.
"Never steal money, even in moments of need." she mumbles.
"That's right." he agrees.
"You told me I could steal money from merchants and assholes." I tell my dad.
"Not helping here kiddo."

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