Chapter 2- You

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I know Levi's last name wasn't revealed until the third season in the anime, but we need one.


"Alright cadets, today is the day you shape into real men and women. You will learn battle strategy and how to use ODM gear. Most importantly you will learn to fight and defend yourselves against titans." The instructor, Keith Shadis says, pacing through the lines of people.

"We start with familiarizing ourselves with the people around us, in order to work as a team we have to act as one. If you meet someone you don't like, tough shit that person could be the one to save you in battle. And if you are that person, don't be such a prick to be around. You have twenty minutes." He snaps his fingers, indicating to disperse.

I find Jean wandering around in the crowd of other cadets.
"He was talking about you Kirstein." I grin, bumping his fist in greeting.
He scoffs, "you sure you're not projecting? Because you're the only prick around here."

"Wow, just when you couldn't get any more dickish." I roll my eyes.
"I aim to please." He says, giving a small bow.

"Hello." A small voice comes from behind me. I turn to see a short girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes staring back at me, a friendly smile across her face.
"I'm Christa, nice to meet you." she holds out her hand for me to shake.
"Y/n." I tell her. "Nice to meet you too."
"Sorry I'm a little nervous, I'm a bit shy talking to new people." she says sheepishly.
"It's alright, this is Jean by the way." I tell her, pointing with my thumb at the boy beside me.

"Nice to meet you too." She greets him.
"You as well." he sticks out his hand as well, to which she shakes it back.
"I'm so happy to meet friendly people, everyone else I've talked to is so standoffish." She says.

"I haven't even gotten to anyone yet." I laugh. "Mind pointing out the ones to avoid?"
"Oh sure." She nods with a small smile.

She points over to a larger man with blonde hair and wide jaw, his arms crossed over his chest and face made into a scowl.
"That's Reiner."
She points to the girl beside him, another blonde haired girl with a tight bun, narrowed eyes and a wide stance that tells me she knew how to fight.
"That's Annie."

I follow her finger to another girl who's talking with a very tall, dark haired man. She has midlength, raven black hair and dark eyes, with a red scarf wrapped around her neck.
"That's Mikasa, she's nice enough but she gives you the cold shoulder after two minutes."

"Got it, thank you." I say, shooting her a smile.
"No problem! See you around!" she says, waving to us as she heads over to talk with a taller, freckled girl with a brown ponytail.

"Alright, who are we talking to first?" I ask Jean, who's been scouting out nicer looking people.

"How about them?" he asks, pointing in the direction of two boys, a shorter blonde boy and taller brunette, who have only been talking to each other and the Mikasa girl this whole time.
"Why not." I follow him as he starts walking towards them.
"Hey, I'm Jean." Jean introduces himself casually, offering a handshake.

The taller boy hesitates but the shorter blonde takes it and shakes vigorously.
"Hi I'm Armin, great to meet you guys!" he exclaims. He turns to the taller boy and nudges his shoulder. "Say hi Eren."
"Hey. Nice to meet you." he nods.
"You'll have to excuse him, he doesn't meet new people very often." Armin rolls his eyes.
"What's your name?" he asks me.
"Y/n, nice to meet you."
He grabs my hand to shake it before I can even offer it.

"That's a pretty name! I haven't heard it before."
"Thanks." I smile at him.
I offer my hand to Eren, who just looks at it uncertainly.
"Are you gonna shake it or just stand there?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
He scoffs but takes it anyway. His hands are covered in scraps, especially on his knuckles. I take a good look at his face, he has sharp features and dark green eyes that study me right back.
"Have we met before? You seem really familiar." I say, letting go of his hand.

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