the first meet

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"What about my ending?" Said Richie who had multiple stab wounds by Sam and his mouth filled with blood "here it comes" said Sam slicing his throat making him choke in his own blood once she was done she whips the blood off the knife and stands up sidney and gale walk over to her and watching his dead body

"Careful they always come back" said Sidney as Sam throws the knife she had in her hand sam then takes the gun from gale and shoots him multiple times "okay then" said gale looking at Richie all four of you jump when you hear amber yelling from behind with a knife Tara quickly shots her in the head making her fall

"I still prefer the babadook" she whispered you went over to amber and kneel down besides her "don't waste your time" said sidney watching you grab Amber's hand and hold it closer to you, you guys were best friends but you never thought she would do this to you and to your sisters

"Yeah you're right" you said letting go of her and getting up to go over to Sam and Tara as all three of you hug each other "are you guys okay?" Asked sam pulling away from the hug you nodded and brushed some hair out of her face "are you good?" Asked Tara once it was over they took Mindy out and Tara to go to a hospital

Turns out Chad was still alive so they took him to a hospital as well you and Sam were right next to Tara "can you take us to a different hospital this time?" Asked Tara as they nodded "your ready to go?" You asked smiling Tara smiles and nods "I'll be right back" said Sam walking away

They put Tara in the ambulance as you got inside they were about to close the doors but both you and Tara tell them to wait for Sam she quickly gets inside and sits right down next to you "well you guys are not going anywhere without me" she said you lean your head on her shoulder "I know" you said

𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙬𝙤 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙜𝙤

Sam, Tara, you, Chad and Mindy all went to move to new York they got better and Mindy even cut her hair you all went to college and Sam works two jobs to support you and Tara you guys even have an apartment with four rooms in it

Although you guys needed three so Sam thought it would be a great idea to go online and ask anyone if they need anywhere to stay but she kept it very private in a way and she made sure to look over any application that looked sketchy

Eventually you guys did get a roommate she was really pretty she had long red straight hair quinn bailey was her name she looked at the room and agreed to move in but you guys soon find out that she bought boys over frequently but she never really bothered you guys unless she needed something

All four of you guys got close and became friends with Quinn even learned that her dad is a cop she didn't really talk about her family a lot Quinn got a habit of entering your rooms without permission but that's because you guys are really close so you guys never really said anything about it

Sam never mind her bringing boys over but she did have rules and Quinn understood them Tara ended up as a troubled kid she never really listens to Sam and you as much as she used to she always snuck out or went somewhere without permission leaving both you and Sam annoyed and mad

Eventually Mindy introduces you guys to Anika and Chad introduces you guys to Ethan since he was his dorm roommate so you guys all became a friend group but Sam was struggling with all the hate she was getting from online calling her a murderer and that it was all her fault

You, Sam and Tara were just not as close as you guys used to be Sam was always busy with work or with therapy and Tara just never talked to you and well there was Quinn but she was always in her room and you really didn't want to know what she was doing in there

So you decided to weasel your way over to Ethan's room Chad was getting ready since he was going to a frat party with Ethan ever since Chad introduced you to Ethan you guys got close to the point you guys became great friends although he could barely talk to you without stuttering

He was a shy nerdy dorky kid but you found him really attractive you just haven't told anyone that yet because you don't know how he feels about you but the thing you like more about Ethan is his curly hair you wonder how it feels when you rub your hands on it but you couldn't just ask him if you could touch his hair that would be weird

"You know there is a frat party do you want to go with me?" Asked Ethan putting on his cardboard hat "I wish I could but I can't I promise Sam that I would be home early she kind of doesn't like it when I'm not home especially when it's night since she's afraid something's going to happen" you said looking down you really wanted to go

You didn't care about the frat party you just wanted to spend some time with Ethan "I understand" he said sounding somewhat disappointed "but I uh... Got something for you since your birthday is coming up and before I forget I wanted to give it to you as an early gift" said Ethan pulling out a box

He opens it and you see two nice bracelets it had your favorite colors on it and it even had your name as well "thank you" you said feeling your face heat up Ethan takes the bracelet with his name and gives it to you but you didn't question him

"You take the one that says my name and I take the one that says yours that way when we look down we will see..." Said Ethan as you looked at him turning a bit pink you lean closer and kiss his cheek Ethan looks at you shock for a few seconds "I really appreciate it" you said grabbing the bracelet from him and put it on

"Hey are you ready to go?" Said Chad coming inside his room you quickly move away from him and look down "oh shit y/n I didn't know you were here are you coming with us?" Said Chad as you look up at him "no I was just leaving" you said Chad nods "tell Sam and Tara I said hi" said Chad making room for you to go though

"I will" you said getting up and walking off the apartment was far but it wasn't that far and plus the sun was still setting so you were pretty sure you will be okay if you walked home but you were still a bit anxious and nervous but tried not to think about it as you finally made it home

Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now