never forget this

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"Always gotta shoot them in the head" said Sam pointing the gun at Bailey now Bailey looks at Sam gasping and taking a few steps back Sam shoots him but realizes she is out of bullets "oh fuck" said Sam dropping the gun and running at Bailey screaming meanwhile Tara works her way down to where you were

Bailey shoots Sam but misses while Sam holds onto Bailey as they both fall down Sam was okay but Bailey was knocked out "are you okay?" You said running over to Sam you and Tara helped her up "yeah" said Sam looking at Bailey "come on" said Tara the three of you walked away

"Wait guys I have a plan" said Sam stopping in her tracks she turns around and grabs a ghostface cloak and the mask "what are you doing?" You asked standing in front of her "just trust me I'mma need you and Tara to stay low for a second" said Sam walking over to the screen as you and Tara did what she said

"What is she planning to do" you asked sitting down but you could still see Sam "I'm not sure" said Tara you guys saw Bailey looking around for something or should you say someone his phone starts ringing and he picks it up although you couldn't really hear what he was saying

But you did see him throwing his phone and smashing it when Sam goes from behind him and starts to stab him multiple times once she is down she takes off the mask "come on" said Tara grabbing your hand and taking you over to Sam "Sam" you said you saw her about to stab him again

Sam noticed you and Tara holding hands that was the only reason she lowered the knife she didn't want you guys to be scared or afraid of her "my father was a murderer no matter what you think I'm better than that" said Sam looking down at him as he starts to cough out blood "thank you" he said

The three of you looked at each other and it looks like you guys had the same exact thought "but you did fuck with our family and your son hurt my sister so..." Said Sam with a small smile as she grabs his head and stabs him in the eye making him yell she pulls out the knife and he falls to the floor "nice" said Tara looking at Sam

"Thanks" said Sam out of breath "are you guys okay?" Asked Sam making Tara smile "no" said Tara tearing up while you just looked the other way with a frown Sam takes off the Ghostface cloak and all three of you sat down music was playing in the background "thank you for letting me go by the way" you said looking at Tara and Sam

"We knew you could take care of yourself" said Sam as Tara smiles "I want to be in both of your lives but only as much as you guys want me to be" said Sam "we want you to be I promise we are going to get so much therapy after this" said Tara with a chuckle making you and Sam laugh "but she's right" you said putting an arm around Tara

"I'm sorry... About ethan and Chad" said Sam with a frown but you just nodded your head "we are going to get through this we are sisters after all" you said holding their hands "yeah we will get though this together" said Tara looking at you guys when suddenly Ethan comes running at you guys screaming with a knife

You jump and gasp looking at him "you're alive?" You said but a TV was thrown at his head he falls down and stops moving "I saw that in a scary movie once" said Kirby gasping with a smile soon after the police broke down the door with Danny there "Sam hey" he said walking over to you guys

Sam smiles and walks over to him Tara and you were following behind her "are you okay?" He asked giving Sam a hug "yeah" said Sam pulling away from the hug "I thought you might need some reinforcements and I called mount sinal and Mindy and gale are going to be okay Mindy's on her way here now they couldn't stop her" said Danny looking at you guys

"Not bad cute boy" said Tara "Thanks" said Danny looking at her all of you walked outside where you saw police cars and ambulances they fix Tara's hand and they had to take Kirby to the hospital "if you ever need me call were all of the same fucked up family now and legacy doesn't always have to be a bad thing" said Kirby

Tara let's out a sob making you guys look at her "hey" said Kirby looking at her "it's just Chad" said Tara crying "hey we got another one here" someone said as they bring out Chad Tara doesn't waste a second to run over to him "Chad!" Yelled Tara running over to him "I need a second" you said walking away from Kirby and Sam

You never liked crying especially over a boy but Ethan was different to you, you let out a small sob looking at the bracelet "if only I could have my happy ending too" you whispered the tears falling from your face "I'll never forget this" you whispered wiping your tears it just hurt a lot

You looked back at the theater you don't know why but you were just hoping that they would also bring out Ethan but you knew that wasn't going to happen you bit your lip to stop it from wobbling it simply wasn't fair you turned around to go back with Sam only to see she is with Chad and Tara so you went over to him

"Oh my god! Are you guys okay?! I know who the killer is! It's Ethan and bailey" said Mindy running over to you guys "and Quinn" you said looking at her "and Quinn? Fuck! Did I miss the monologue again? Are you okay?... Are you okay? You don't look okay" said Mindy looking at you as she walks away with Chad but you just nodded your head no truthfully you weren't okay

"Oh my god we all survived it's a twist on a twist" you heard Mindy say Sam turns to you with a frown "I know how you feel believe me" she said but you just looked away from her "I know thank you for you know... I think that if it was me in front of him with a knife I honestly don't know what I'll do" you whispered

"I believe that you would do the right thing y/n when it comes to situations like these" said Sam putting a hand on your shoulder Sam looks down at her jacket only to reveal the Ghostface mask "Sam! Y/n! Are you guys coming?" Asked Tara as Sam throws the mask on the floor

You looked at her with a small smile and you started taking off your bracelet once it was off of you you dropped it on the floor Sam chuckles and holds your hand the two of you walked over to Tara as she smiled at the both of you guys Ethan wasn't the one for you let's get that straight and you weren't the one for him


Ethan in hell watching y/n throw the bracelet he gave her on the floor: 🥲

Jk Ethan gets out alive and lives then him and y/n have a happy ending together but I said so

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now