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Once ghostface took off his mask you saw the last person you wanted to see behind it this had to be some twisted joke it just couldn't be true first amber now him? But why? Wait was he the one who also killed Anika? You didn't know how to feel or what to say or what to think this is all too much

Ethan let's out a sigh with a smile on his face he you noticed how he avoided your gaze the most almost like he couldn't even look at you or he just didn't want to look at you because he didn't even care he was enjoying every bit of this but you knew one thing and that was don't get distracted

"Ta-da" said Bailey with a smile both Sam and Tara grab your hand you looked back at Tara who looked at you with tears falling from her face you had to bite your lip so you couldn't cry as well now was not the time for it "Mindy was right it was easy to juke the roommate lottery" said Ethan with a smile

"I mean all I had to do was meet you was to befriend the carpenter sister" said Ethan as he moves his sleeve up revealing the best friend bracelet as he took it off and waved it around with one finger then threw it at you making it land right next to you as you took a few steps back from it

"And I had to room with a conceited condescending alpha literary name chad fuck it felt good to kill him!" Yelled Ethan he waves his mask around and looks at Sam "this was your grandmothers sam Nacy Loomis really runs in your fucking family doesn't it?" Said Ethan with a straight face

You held the brick tighter in case a surprise attack came "speaking of family..." Said Ethan "wait for it" said Bailey with a smile "my name isn't Ethan landry is it dad?" Said Ethan pointing at himself then looking over at Bailey "wait dad?" You said looking at the two of them as Bailey starts laughing

"Wait if it's you two then that just leaves..." Said Sam looking over at the other ghostface who still had their mask on "mindy?" Asked Sam with tears in her eyes ghostface pulls off their mask and it was really surprising to see that it wasn't Mindy at all instead it was someone you didn't expect

"Hey roomies" said Quinn with a smile all three of you look at her in shock "you didn't see that one did you?" Said Quinn moving her mask around in her hand "yeah because you died" said Tara "I kind of didn't though it was a good way to get off the suspect list stab gale weathers stab mindy on the train" said Quinn looking over at Ethan and Bailey

"You could have stopped it y/n" said Quinn pointing her knife at you "instead you were being a desperate little whore trying to get inside Ethan's pants that badly even though he told you he didn't want you in the first place are you that desperate for love and attention? Well I mean you must have got it from someone" said Quinn looking at Sam

"You don't even know me I would never..." You said choking up a sob that's right she was right Ethan didn't want you he told you the from the very beginning "oh shut up bitch you got some nerve calling her a whore when you have slept with every guy who looks your way" said Sam raising her voice at Quinn but all she did was laugh

"All I had to do was just make sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one little fake blood a prosthetic" said Bailey pulling Ethan and Quinn closer to him "you'll be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with" said Bailey with a chuckle

Both Ethan and Quinn left his side and went to your sides "I got Stu machers mask he was my favorite" said Quinn as Ethan puts the mask on a mannequin next to you guys who you could only assume was Nancy Loomis "nice that's number three" said Bailey pointing at Nancy Loomis mannequin

He then points over at Stu's mannequin "and that's two which leaves" he said pulling out a mask from his jacket "your father's this is what we've been counting down to Sam I'mma need you to put it on" said Bailey giving the mask to Sam "fuck you!" Yelled Sam slapping the mask away from her

Ethan was quick to cut her arm Sam let's out a small gasp as she walks backwards holding her arm "you stay the fuck away from her!" Yelled Tara as you guys got in front of Sam "come on" chuckled Bailey "what... What is this you did this as a family?" Said Sam looking around the three of them

"Hell yeah bitch! You should know better than anyone" said Quinn walking towards you guys with a knife the three of you backed away from her "they're still not getting it" said Ethan with a smile standing right next to Quinn with his knife in his hand

"I don't know what you believe but I didn't commit those murderers in woodsboro" said Sam looking at Ethan and Quinn "it wasn't me!" Said Sam turning to face Bailey "oh we know that of course you didn't what do you think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory?" Said Bailey

"Wait so you knew?" You asked looking at him "come on who do you think started the rumor about your sister" said Bailey looking right back at you then at Sam you saw Quinn raise her hand that had the knife "do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of woodsboro into the villain" said Quinn walking towards you guys again

"How easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?" Said Quinn backing away a bit "because it's not enough to just kill someone these days you have to assassinate their character first so when dad here discovers your horribly mutilated bodies" said Ethan pointing his knife at you guys with a smile

Quinn jumps at you with her knife but she doesn't do anything still you gasp and take a few steps back "posed with Sam wearing her father's mask he'll say some poor damn bastard read on the internet that you're the real ghostface and took matters into their own deluded hands" said Ethan as his smile drops while looking at sam

"Exactly that's why it's the perfect alibi and all the best lies are based on the best truth you're a killer just like your father" said Bailey pointing at Sam "no I'm not!" Yelled Sam "yes you are you mother fucker you kill our brother!" Yelled Quinn getting closer "what are you talking about?" Said Sam looking at Quinn

"You said your brother died in a car accident" you said looking at Quinn with confusion "no, no, no you sweet dumb thing he died in woodsboro at the hands of your bitch sister" said ethan looking at you then at Sam as he points the knife at her "he's... Their... Oh..." You thought to yourself looking at Ethan and Quinn

"You're Richie's family" said Sam looking back at Bailey as he nodded "yeah" he said "ding, ding, ding, ding!" Yelled Ethan stabbing Sam "go" yelled Tara pushing you in front of her "she's finally starting to get it!" Yelled Ethan as all three of you started to run from them with Ethan chasing you

Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now