not meant to be

707 17 6

(I just found out that Ethan killed his mom because she didn't want to do the things they were planning to do)

(Still he is so fine 😫 he didn't mean to do it he was just feeling a bit silly)


You went over to Sam and gale when officer Bailey walked up to you guys saying he has a plan to trap ghostface of course all of you were on board and went to tell the others after that you guys went to go find Tara and kirby who were still sitting down talking to each other

"Sorry to interrupt I think I might have an idea about how to turn the tables on this creep" said Bailey with the three of you behind him "yeah we're in" said gale looking at him then back at Kirby but all Kirby does is give gale a smile and putting her hands up

"Sorry gale no press allowed Police business I'm good at my job too" said Kirby standing up gale she lets out an annoyed sigh and walked away "should we go?" Said Bailey you guys nodded and walked outside Chad,Mindy, Ethan and Kirby went in her van where she will be working on her computer to find where he is

Meanwhile you, Sam and Tara went with Bailey and got inside his cop car Kirby made sure to give you guys a small mic that way she will be able to hear what you guys are saying and you guys will be able to hear what she is saying not only that but she will also be able to hear ghostface

The plan was to wait for him to call and Kirby will get his location that way you guys could trap him you, Sam, Tara and Bailey were going to be on the look out for him and the others were with Kirby although Sam didn't like that you guys were with her since she didn't want to put you guys in danger

"You guys should have stayed with the others" said Sam looking around with you on her side and Tara on the other "that's not gonna happen" said Tara also looking around "there's no point on the three of us putting ourselves in danger" said Sam in a worried tone "were not were your backup" you said with a smile

"Yeah what she said" said Tara giving you a high-five "hey you guys stay frosty out there okay?" You heard Kirby say "were good" said Sam as she keeps looking around it was really difficult since there were a lot of people on there phones Sam reaches into her pocket when she heard it ring

She pulls it out only to see it was from Richie the three of you look at each other as Sam answers it "you're gonna die you know?" Said Sam putting the phone on her ear you couldn't hear what he was saying to her which sucked "unless we find you first" said Sam, Sam hangs up the phone with a anxious expression

"Did you get it?" Asked Sam "yup geolocation coming through right now he's on the upper wes side he's inside an apartment building halfway across the city" said Kirby as you guys stop walking "on wes 96?" Said Tara looking at you guys "how did you know that?" Said Kirby

"Oh god gale" you said Bailey runs over to you guys as the four of you run over to his car "my friend Danny works on the upper side he can get there quicker" said Sam pulling out her phone "yeah or he could finish her off is it possible he is the killer?" Said Bailey trying to keep up with you guys

"Fuck we have to get there now" said Sam putting her phone back on her pocket meanwhile you and Tara run faster towards his car and quickly got inside where you guys saw Sam and Bailey arguing with each other but you guys didn't have time for this you needed to hurry up

"Sam! Get in" you yelled as she runs over to the car with Bailey behind her yelling at you guys to get out of the car but Sam pulls up the window making you chuckle "should we use the sirens?" You said with a smile "did you really think we were going to steal and police car and not use the sirens?" Said Tara looking at you and turning on the sirens

It took you guys a long time to get there but once you guys did you guys got out of the car quickly and ran all the way up towards the building you guys open the door where you saw gale on the floor and ghostface on top of her he was holding a knife towards her face "hey fuck face!" Yelled Sam grabbing the gun and shooting at him

Of course he got away "gale" said Tara running over to gale you weren't far behind you kneel down and put your hand over a wound Sam does the same and Tara holds gale's hand "sorry I'm sorry I should have known that he was gonna come after you I'm so sorry" whispered Sam out of breath "he didn't get me" whispered gale

"Tell Sidney he never got me" said gale nodding her head and closing her eyes "gale?" Said Sam "gale!" You said as the door opens and the medics come though "out of the way! Out of the way" they said pushing you guys back you and Tara stand up and move although Sam doesn't

"You have to move" you said holding Sam trying to get her to move "no" said Sam still holding onto gale "sam you have to" said Tara you guys managed to get sam to move as she starts crying you guys watch as they take gale away you guys weren't far behind sam called the other and told them what happened

You guys decide to wait downstairs for them Sam even called Danny you watched Tara sit next to Mindy chad was also sitting down next to her meanwhile you, Sam and Ethan were standing up well you were standing next to Ethan you looked at him as he looks back at you so you look away

You told yourself you didn't have time for love or relationship and that you just wanted to keep your sisters safe and just end this misery you guys are living by finding ghostface but Ethan was making this very hard for you he tells you he likes someone else then kisses you

You wanted to cry but tears don't fix anything besides he wasn't the only boy out there for you although you did deeply cared about him but it was useless if he didn't feel the same way about you, you looked back only to see him still looking at you when was he going to stop looking at you

"Can I talk to you?" Said Ethan catching everyone's attention "why? Why can't you just talk to her here" said Mindy giving Ethan a dirty look "I agree" said Tara eyeing Ethan up and down "you guys it's fine we will just be right outside" you said walking away with Ethan you open the door and stand outside as you lean against a wall

"Talk" you said "did he hurt you?" Said Ethan walking closer to you "no" you said pushing yourself off the wall "what do you want Ethan?" You said crossing your arms "it's about the kiss" he said looking down "the kiss didn't mean anything well to me at least it didn't mean anything" you said as Ethan looks at you surprised

"It didn't?" Said Ethan walking towards you "no" you said looking away from him "are you sure about that?" Said Ethan putting his hand under your chin to make you look at him "why can't you look at me?" Said Ethan moving closer to you "Ethan" you whispered as your back hit the wall again

"What?" Said Ethan as his face gets closer to yours "what about Jessica?" You said as your looking away from him again "who's Jessica?" Said Ethan as you look back at him "what?" You asked in disbelief "just don't ruin the moment for me or for us you know you want this" said Ethan grabbing your hands

"You really need to get your priority straight" you said with a frown Ethan let's out a small chuckle as he was about to kiss you "hey y/n!" Said Danny as you push Ethan away from you "are you okay?" He asked out of breath "Sam told me what happened" said Danny walking towards you "yeah I'm fine she's inside" you said

"Okay" said Danny going inside "like I said you need to get your priority straight" you said going inside as well but you feel Ethan hug you from behind before you could go inside "y/n just listen to me please" said Ethan as you felt your eyes water "please don't do this to me" you whispered

"I need to protect my sisters Ethan and you doing this isn't helping me so please just leave me alone don't forget we are survivors that's all just focus on staying alive" you said "so your saying you don't have feelings for me?" Said Ethan letting go of you as you bite your lip

"I don't have feelings for you" you said "you're lying" said Ethan letting go of you "no I'm not" you said opening the door and going inside you take a deep breath trying to hold back the tears "I wish I never met you Ethan" you thought to yourself looking at the bracelet


Yay I love angst

Jk I cried

Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now