forgive and forget

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(Kirby is so fine like give me a chance 😫🛐)

"Let's go check it out" said Sam getting up from her seat as you and Tara do the same you guys walked out the door and walked only to see Mr. Bailey and a blonde woman in front of him "Kirby?" Said Sam "hey Sam" she said with a smile and walking over to her "what?" Said Sam as Kirby pulls her into a hug

"Tara and y/n" said Kirby looking at you guys with a smile you were confused on who she was "you're the FBI?" Said Sam in a surprised tone "mhm" said Kirby who still had the smile on her face "you guys know each other?" Said Mr. Bailey looking between them

"Yeah we went to woodsboro high together she was a senior when I was a freshman" said Sam "we share a certain history yeah look I'm not trying to get into jurisdictional pissing contest here I just want to help I'll show you mine etc" said Kirby looking at Mr. Bailey

One of the police officers came and gave Mr. Bailey something "thank you" he said taking it from them "he left this mask at the  bodega DNA traces of two individuals charlie walker and Jill roberts both deceased" said Mr. Bailey looking at Kirby "ghostface killers of 2011" said Kirby taking the package from him

"Charlie walker gave me this" said Kirby pulling up her shirt a little just to see the scar he left on her "like I said I take special interest is this the mask he was wearing when he attacked you?" Said Kirby looking at the three of you "no" you said nodding your head "so he's leaving them on purpose" said Mr. Bailey

"Which means whoever's doing this is a student of the killers who came before Maybe he believes Sam is the latest in a long line" said Kirby looking at Sam "yeah good luck with that we're getting out of town" said Sam looking at you and Tara as she begins to walk away with you guys following her

"I'm sorry that's not possible" said Mr. Bailey the three of you turn around to look at him "the three of you are persons of interest in a double homicide so you're not allowed to leave town sorry " said Mr. Bailey "are you serious?" Said Tara "he's right but if we work together" said Kirby looking at Sam but gets cut off by her

"We're going" said Sam as she begins to walk away again the three of you walk out the doors seeing a bunch of news reporters waiting for you guys "Samantha do you have an alibi for last night's murders" someone said but you guys just kept walking "y/n and Tara do you both feel safe around your sister?" Said another person

"Tara! Y/n! Tara! Y/n!" They kept calling for you guys but you guys pushed through the crowd "𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡 4" she said making you guys stop walking and turn around "do you ladies think you are the reason the Ghostface killer has come to the Big Apple?" Said gale looking at you guys she can't be serious right now

Sam scoffs and throws a punch at her but gale quickly dodges it "nice try sweetie but I done this dance before" said gale smiling as Tara punches her catching her off guard making people gasp "stay away from us" you said holding in your laugh the three of you start walking away again

"That was good" you said smiling as Tara rolls her eyes playfully "are you guys really still mad at me?" Said gale walking over to you guys and sam quickly turns around "you said you wouldn't write a book about what happened and then you wrote a book about what happened" said Sam keeping her voice low

"Oh come on some one was going to write it, it's what I do" said gale looking at Sam "I heard you couldn't sell the movie rights" said tara "it's all about true crime limited series these days" said gale turning her attention towards Tara "after everything we went through together what would Dewey think?" Said Sam as gale goes quiet for a moment

"That's a low blow" she said "so was your book! You called my sister a unstable and a born killer what the fuck is wrong with you?" You said crossing your arms "that's taken out of context" said gale "that's literally a quote" you said rolling your eyes at her you were getting pretty annoyed

"You don't think what you wrote has something to do with what's happening to us?" Said Tara as gale looks at her "come on" said Sam grabbing yours and Tara's hand and start walking towards a taxi "hey I talked to Sidney" said gale all three of you turn around to look at her again

"She's not coming here is she?" Said Tara with a sort of panic tone "no she sends her love but she's taking mark and her kids someplace safe she deserves to have her happy ending" said gale "on that much we agree" said Sam opening the taxi door "hey I want to catch this fucker as much as you do" said gale as Sam gets in the car

"Maybe or maybe you're just afraid that without ghostface in your life you're going to fade away come on Tara get inside" you said Tara nods and gets in the car once she was in you get inside once you were inside the taxi driver starts the car and drives away maybe you were a bit harsh on her

You guys went home and got some rest since you guys were exhausted from yesterday you guys didn't get that much sleep but the next day came sooner than you expected even if you didn't want to go to school you had to but Sam made sure to tell mindy and Chad everything that has happened

So mindy decided to have a friend group meeting when school was out of course you guys agreed and everyone agreed to meet you guys at the original spot you guys always met even if you didn't feel like going you knew that Sam and Tara will drag you anyways especially now since he is back

Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now