splitting up

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You walked back inside with the others who were all looking at Danny but when they saw you they looked away you were a bit confused on what was going on but you didn't say anything and just stood next to chad seeing Ethan come in next and stood next to Danny with his head down

"I'm scared you guys I really don't want to get hurt again" said Mindy in a whisper "neither do I" said chad putting his head down as Mindy looks at him "I don't want you getting hurt either" said Mindy "I know, I know" said chad putting his head on her shoulder

Tara also lays her head on Mindy's shoulder while Mindy rest her head on Tara's head "so what do we do now?" Said chad looking at Sam "maybe he gets to win this time" said Sam looking down but all of you looked at her to see if she was joking but she didn't look like she was joking at all

And that worries you "he wants to punish me" said Sam standing up "me... So maybe I'll let him" said sam tearing up "I'll just give myself up if this is what I have to do to keep you guys safe it's worth it" said Sam looking at you and Tara but Tara quickly gets up and you walk over to Sam

"No we're not doing that Sam" said Tara standing in front of Sam "you went back to woodsboro to protect us" said Tara looking at you as you nodded your head "she's right every single day you make the decision to protect us none of us will be alive if it wasn't for you" you said looking back at Mindy and Chad then back at Sam

"You have to let us protect you now" said Tara taking sam's hand and yours as you do the same Sam smile with tears down her eyes and nods her head no "no" whispered Sam as more tears fall from her eyes "yes" said Tara the sam keeps nodding her head no "we're a team remember?" Said Tara

"Actually we're a family" said Mindy standing up "let's go! Core five!" Said chad standing up with a smile and puts his hand out "come on" said Chad with a small laugh you smile and put your hand on top of his as Tara and Mindy do the same "core what?" Said Danny putting his hand on top of Tara's

"It's an us thing" said Chad taking Danny's hand away from you guys making Danny chuckle you looked back to see Ethan only to see him looking down at your hands you looked to see what was wrong only to notice you and Chad were holding hands "uh anyways" you said removing your hand from his and crossing them

"He's gonna keep coming after us" said Sam she wasn't crying anymore which was good but she looked really sad and that made your frown "isn't there somewhere safe we could just hole up in?" Asked Ethan as you all looked at him he has been really quiet maybe he feels left out or maybe he's thinking about yours and his conversation

"No he's just going to keep finding us" you said looking down "great" mumbled Ethan looking away you look at Tara when she grabs her hand gently "we could use that though" said Tara like she was thinking about something "how?" You asked as Tara pulls out her phone and calls someone

Turns out she was calling detective bailey and tells him the plan she has the phone on speaker so you guys could hear what he is saying "I'm getting my ass chewed out for not dropping the case and now you want me to do what?" Said bailey in sort of disbelief "we want to lure him to a secure location and trap him inside" said Tara

(Is it just me or being a detective looks like fun detective y/n I like that... You know I might actually write a story where y/n is a detective idk I find detectives attractive)

"And then what?" Said bailey "we execute him" said Tara as bailey stays silent "are you going to help us?" You asked something wasn't right no something didn't feel right "let's kill this son of a bitch" said bailey Sam, you and Tara all look at each other once he said that then Tara looks back at her phone since he keeps talking

"Now I'm stuck here but gale gave us the key card to the theater it's got heavy surveillance and security cameras but we can use that against him I'll tell Kirby to meet you there I'll join you as soon as I can "got it" said Tara

"And remember to travel in public the more people around you the less chance he has to take a shot at you before you get there" said bailey "okay" said Tara as she hangs up "let's go" said Sam as all of you start walking downstairs to catch a train once you guys got there, there was a lot of people in costumes and you can barely walk by without bumping someone

"Is this even a good plan?" Said Ethan following behind you guys "you don't have to come if you don't want to" said Tara rolling her eyes at him her tone also had an annoyance to it as well you were behind Mindy but you were trying to keep up with the rest of them but it was so hard

"So we just peel off and the killer picks us off one by one? No thank you" said Ethan but continues to follow you guys "let's just get to the theater come on in there" said Sam pushing past people to get to the train "yes because it will be much less scary at the serial killer movie theater" you heard Chad say who follows behind her

People kept pushing you and pulling you back making it hard for you to keep you, you can't keep count on how many times you almost fell because of these people "excuse me... Excuse me... Ow!" You said pushing past them you tried to look for Sam and Tara but you didn't see them anywhere

"Wait y/n!" You heard Tara say the door closes on your face before you could get in "fuck" you said "no! Wait!" Said Sam banging on the doors but the train already took off you sigh softly "y/n!" You heard Mindy say behind you as she pushed people away from her to get to you

"Well at least I'm not alone" you said as Mindy nods with a small chuckle "yeah I was calling out for Chad but he didn't hear me" she breathes out "hey" said Ethan from behind putting a hand on yours and Mindy's shoulder making you guys jump "woah!" Said Mindy backing away from him and giving him a dirty look

"Get your ghostface ass away from us ghostface" said Mindy fixing her bag and grabbing your hand pulling you away from him you guys walked towards a wall and Mindy leans on it making you let out a small chuckle "weren't you a little harsh?" You said looking at Ethan

"Fuck no" said Mindy looking at Ethan who was looking at you guys "dude why the fuck is he looking at us he looks like a total creep just looking at us" said Mindy as you let out a small laugh "go away!" Whispered Mindy looking at Ethan meanwhile he looks away from you guys you weren't going to lie you did feel sort of bad for him

Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now