let's fix this

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The next train will be coming shortly you pulled out your phone only to find out there was no service and that sucked so bad you saw the next train coming so you got ready Mindy got in first then you then Ethan there wasn't a lot of people yes it was crowded but not as bad

There were also people that had some costumes some people even had ghostface costumes which almost made you scoff "can I ask you some something?" You said looking over at Mindy "what?" Said Mindy crossing her arms "do you really think Ethan is ghostface?" You said you didn't want to believe it

"Yes it's so obvious" said Mindy looking over at Ethan but when she realized that Ethan was looking at you guys Mindy rolled her eyes at him and walked off "hey where are you..." You said but stop mid sentence when a ghostface came up to you out of nowhere making you jump and gasp

"Sorry" they said with a laugh "fuck you" you whispered moving away from them you looked left and right for Mindy but you don't know where she went you bite your lip and hold on to a pole "hey" said Ethan walking over to you making you step back from him not making eye contact

"What do you want?" You asked looking everywhere but him "you don't actually believe Mindy do you?" Said Ethan you knew he was looking right at you "I don't know I didn't think my best friend was ghostface but turns out she was anything is possible" you said finally looking at Ethan

His brown eyes looked dark it's like what you said to him offended him somehow "so you think it's me?" Said Ethan he had a serious face "I don't know Ethan I just need space" you said moving away from him but he was quick to grab your hand which caught you off guard

"Don't you think if I wanted to hurt you I would have done it by now?" Whispered next to your ear that whole sentence made your stomach twist "I'm confused right now" you said trying to move away from him but he wouldn't let you

"You're confused about a lot of things aren't you" said Ethan sliding his arm around you to pull you closer to him for some reason you started to feel really uncomfortable it's like his touch didn't make you feel comfortable anymore it was like this was a whole different person

"I could make you trust me" said Ethan moving his hand under your chin to make you look at him "I didn't say I didn't trust you I said I was confused" you said moving your hand to remove his hand from his face but he held you tighter "well that's the same thing" said Ethan moving his face closer to yours

"It's not" you whispered this wrong this whole situation was wrong you knew it was just you didn't find it in you to tell him to leave you alone "then let me convince you for your sake" said Ethan pressing his lips onto yours you didn't pull away even though everything was telling you to pull away you just couldn't find it in you to do so

You moved your hand up to his curly messy hair and pulled him closer to you Ethan took that as an invitation to wrap both of his hands around you pulling you closer to him meanwhile you wrap your arms around his neck as the kiss deepens what about Jessica though? You pulled away when you needed to breathe

Ethan puts his forehead against yours as he breathes heavily "give me another chance? I want you y/n and I'll do anything to prove that to you" said Ethan his hands didn't move from you "okay" you said with a smile looking at him Ethan pulls away once you said that as the train suddenly stops

You walked a bit forward because of that bumping into Ethan who just held you "oh shit y/n Mindy!" Said Ethan in a worried tone as he walked away from you "what?" You said turning around to see Mindy sitting on the floor with blood coming out of her you panicked and hurried over to her

"Mindy fuck that's a lot of blood" said Ethan kneeling down as you do the same and grab her hand "help! Somebody help!" Yelled Ethan as he helps Mindy put to her feet you check your phone to see if you had some service while your followed Ethan outside the train

"I'm not getting anything" you said in a panic tone waving your phone around "are you okay?" You heard Ethan say "yeah I'm so good" mumbled Mindy as she sits back down "Your going to be okay Mindy" you said grabbing her shoulder "goddamn it I got it wrong again" you heard her say

The paramedics hurried over to Mindy both you and Ethan backed off and saw Mindy get taken away by them "come on" you said grabbing Ethan's hand "we have to get to the theater" you said as you began to walk off but Ethan pulls you back into his chest "Ethan?" You said looking up at him

"You shouldn't go" said Ethan he had this serious look "why not?" You asked taking a few steps back but you didn't wait for his answer "Ethan if you don't want to go that's fine but I have to my sisters are there" you said looking away from him "I'll be there I just have something to do" said Ethan looking a bit guilty?

"Okay" you said giving him a small peck on the lips "well then I'll see you soon" you said as you walked off you would definitely see him soon but just not the way you thought you would it took awhile for you to get to the theater mostly it's well hidden and you kept getting lost along the way

But once you got there you noticed the door was wide open you were slightly confused on why the door was open but you went in and noticed there was no one inside "okay weird" you thought to yourself looking around "Sam? Tara? Chad?" You called out but got no answer so you decided to look some places to see if they were around

You heard some screams coming from a room they sounded like Tara without a second thought you hurried there and the room didn't have a lot of light so you kept bumping into stuff you kept running into you bumping into tara "Tara?" You said out of breath "y/n!" Yelled Sam running over to you "where's Mindy?" She asked helping Tara back up

"Mindy was attacked" you said as you gasp when you saw someone dress as ghostface comes out of nowhere you could see that Tara was crying and out of breath but you didn't have time to ask what was wrong when you saw another person dress as ghostface come out of nowhere

Sam was quick to put you both behind her she looks around for a bit before she gives you both bricks "oh sam!" Sob Tara "we have to stay force Tara" you said looking between both the Ghostface but all Tara does is sob even more "I need you guys to be ready" said Sam as Tara tries to calm down

"Tara you need to calm down look we dealt with this before I need you to try and stay calm" you said holding her hand Tara nods and holds the brick tighter "I'm ready come on motherfucker!" Yelled Tara when suddenly you guys hear gunshots and both of them take off running you guys see kirby all beaten up and out of breath

"It's okay" she said walking towards you guys "stay the fuck back!" Said Sam pointing the brick at her "we know it's you Kirby" said Tara looking at her "no! One of them knocked me out" said Kirby with tears in her eyes "Kirby stop! Get away from the girls" you heard detective Bailey say as he points the gun at her and Kirby does the same

"What are you doing?" Asked Kirby "did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?" Asked detective Bailey like he was about to cry "Jesus Christ!" Said Kirby looking back at you guys "fuck Kirby did you actually killed her" you said in disbelief "no! Whatever he has been saying to you don't listen to him he's probably the killer" said Kirby looking back at detective Bailey

"Behind you!" Yelled Kirby as detective Bailey shoots her twice making all three of you gasp and look at him with shock "great job both of you" he said as another ghostface comes to his side "you?" Said Tara  "yeah of course me" he said with a smile

"Frankly I expected more from the three of you after what you did to us" he said as his smile fades away "what do you mean us?" You asked as you saw the ghostface reach of his mask and took it off no you couldn't believe it you just couldn't it wasn't true it couldn't be true it's some sort of sick joke

Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now