ghostface attack

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"What the fuck?" Whispered Tara looking at sam's phone "I never deleted his contact this is coming from his number" said Sam in shock "don't pick it up Sam just let it ring" you said letting go of her arm Sam looks around for a while before answering the phone "Sam!" Said Tara

"Who is this?" Said Sam as you guys start walking again "I want you to think long and hard about whether you really want to do this because the last two people that fucked with us ended up dead" said Sam as you guys stop walking both you and Tara look around to see if anyone was with a phone but you couldn't really see anyone

A guy in a black hoodie starts walking towards you guys and Sam puts you both behind her but the guy looks up with a confused face and keeps walking "so what you're protecting us now?" Said Sam looking around "you shouldn't believe everything you read internet asshole" said Sam a bit annoyed

"You better watch yours" said Sam "Tara watch out!" You yelled seeing ghostface behind her but before Tara could do anything ghostface grabs her making Tara gasp in fear he was about to stab her but Tara hits them in face and pushes them making ghostface let go of her as the three of you run into the store that was near by

"Please help us!" Yelled Tara "we were attacked!" You yelled "call 911" yelled Sam "there's a fighting line here girls" said a man behind you guys but you guys paid no mind to him "I'm telling you sir could you..." You said but got cut off as the door opens and the three of you see ghostface

Sam, Tara and you back away from him as ghostface goes to the guy that was behind you guys "you got a problem here guy?" He said ghostface looks at him for a moment before he stabs him multiple times the people in the store gasp in horror as others run another guy tries to step in and help but ghostface stabs him in the neck making you guys gasp and keep backing away

"Hey!" Yelled the cashier pulling a rifle and ghostface turns to look at him the cashier shoots him but ghostface quickly ducks and you guys do the same "go out the back" yelled the cashier "thank you!" All three of you said making your way towards the back "fuck it's locked" you said

"Keys! We need your keys" yelled Tara turning over to him the man struggles to get the keys "look out!" Yelled Tara "watch out!" Yelled Sam "he's behind you!" You yelled all three of you were pointing behind him he turns around and ghostface stops him in the shoulder making him yell ghostface then punches him all three of you ran the other direction

As the man fell he dropped his rifle ghostface picks it up and points it at him "wait! Wait! No! No! No! No!" Yelled the man as ghostface shoots him you guys gasp and start to crawl quietly you guys stop moving when you hear him walking around making you bite your lip in fear

You guys almost start moving again but stop when ghostface shoots something you dig your nails into your palm stopping yourself from screaming you guys start crawling faster as he shoots something again "let's go back" whispered that you could hardly hear her you guys start moving back very slowly and hide when you hear him coming closer

You and Tara were holding each other's hand tightly while tara starts crying quickly you guys hear him coming closer and Tara holds your hand tighter Sam picks up a empty can and throws it the opposite direction you guys hear him fall for it and starts walking over to it Sam nods her head as a signal to keep moving

You guys get out of hiding as you guys start crawling again Tara steps in some glass making you guys stop you guys were frozen in fear when the shelf drops on top of ghostface and he shoots "run! Go run!" Yelled Sam all three of you run towards the exit and escape luckily there were already police officers there

The three of you turn around seeing no sign of ghostface anywhere the police officers get out of their cars and run inside the store the only thing left was a ghostface mask you guys gasp and look at each other soon after all three of you were taken down to the police station waiting to talk with Mr. Bailey

He soon comes in with a smile and sits down in front of you guys with a plastic bag that has the Ghostface mask in it "this was found next to the body at the apartment crime scene" he said holding up the bag and puts it on the table "DNA says that it belonged to someone named richie kirsch does that ring a bell?" He said looking at you guys

Both you and Tara look at Sam "we are familiar with him" she said "but the one that attacked us had a different mask on it was kind of more beat up like it was older" said Tara "uh... I gotta ask do you have alibis for earlier tonight?" Said Mr. Bailey "I was at a party with my friends" said tara leaning back in her chair

"I was with some of my friends before I went home I was planning on going to the party as well but decided not to" you said bitting your fingernails "and I was at my therapist I can give you his information you can call to check if you want and then me and y/n met Tara at that party where I tased someone" said Sam looking down

Mr. Bailey looks at Sam with concern but she remains unfraid "unrelated" said Sam as you try not to laugh Mr. Bailey sighs and takes out a phone "was that before or after this happened?" He said showing the video where Sam pushed the girl who purposely spelled the drink on her "before" said Sam not really caring about what she did

"The point is we were all with people all night" you said "so our roommates dad just happened to pull our case" said Sam "that will be a crazy coincidence right?" He said "yeah" whispered Sam "the detective who has the case he offered it to me because it involves Quinn um but I can totally give it back if you're uncomfortable it's up to you" he said

The three of you look at each other before Sam looks back at him "it's fine" she said "so if the man who attacked you did steal your license and plant it next to the body then it would probably be someone close to you" he said making Sam sigh "have long have you known your friends?" He asked

"Well we moved here with Mindy and Chad for summer semester like six months ago so Quinn, um Ethan, Anika all since then" said Tara "I think I can vouch for Quinn so that's one less we have to worry about do any of you have anyone that might want to target you?" Said Mr. Bailey "not anyone who's still alive" said Tara making you smile

"Yikes" said Mr. Bailey as you let out a small chuckle the door opens and a police officer comes inside "FBI's here calming jurisdiction" said the police officer "where are they?" Said Mr. Bailey getting up from his seat and waking out the door making Sam sigh

Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now